Chapter Twenty-Five: Starving

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The days flew by in a rush of peace and happiness. Late nights with movies, laughing, pillow fights, and popcorn battles happened every night. Kas was over all the time. It was perfect. Winter Break started and I was so glad to be out of school.

I had aced my finals, seeing as how they were easy as all get out. Though everyone expected me to fail since I was nearly failing most of classes. The boys had taken to tutoring me, then decided I already knew everything they were trying to teach me.

That brought up the question of why I didn't do my work since I already knew everything. That was a difficult one to explain. I think I made up some crap lie about not being able to focus and then swiftly changed the subject.

"Good morning, Ms. Early Bird." Lucas laughed, joining me in the kitchen. I had a nightmare that night, and was up for the rest of the night. So, I was treating the boys to the best breakfast I had ever made.

Pancakes, waffles, fresh fruits, croissants, ham, toast, french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits with butter and jelly, muffins, homemade donuts, apple turnovers, orange juice, milk, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, and lots of coffee.

The works.

"Oh my... I must eat." Lucas said, his eyes going wide at the sight of the fully stocked table. I thought that the table was bending a little under all the weight. I smiled at the sight of Lucas drooling.

"Go wake up the others and then you can eat." I didn't even get to finish talking before Lucas was sprinting from the room, screaming for everyone to wake up.

Teenage boys and food.

I shook my head with a smile and stirred my final pot of grits, and finished with my hashbrowns. There was another stampede into the kitchen, where everyone jerked to a stop.

"Oh my Heavenly Father. The food." Was muttered, somewhere in the back.

I laughed, drawing their attention towards me.

"Everything's homemade and fresh. I want an assembly line. Don't worry, there should be plenty. If there's not, I'll cook some more." I said, and then went back to washing the pots. I didn't want there to be too much clutter once everyone got done. The boys rushed over to the table, while Kas limped. I shook my head, but continued with my washing.

"How long have you been up?" Gabriel asked. I pointed at the corner of his lips. He wiped away the eggs on his face, but continued to wait for me to answer. I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Since about three this morning." I said, sheepishly looking at the silver pot in my hands.

There was a clatter as someone set their fork down with more force than necessary. I turned and put my hands on my hips.

"Why have you been up so long? We only went to bed around one this morning." Xavier said, his look both protective and worried. I gave him a soft smile.

"I had a nightmare and didn't want to bother any of you with it." I told them truthfully. They all wore personally offended expressions. I only raised both my eyebrows. I was completely and totally innocent.

"It wouldn't be a bother. It would be being a good big brother." Kade grumbled. I arched one eyebrow.

Being a good big brother would be helping me with the dishes, but the minute I mentioned dishes they would all scatter like roaches in the light.

I chuckled at the thought.

The door slammed open, and for a second I was terrified it would be my father. It was only Carter, Peggy, Liam, and Jake.

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