10- Seeing the aftermath of vampires

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Xander's POV

Where the fuck is my pet? 

I've been looking for her for the past hour. I left her by the stairs and I saw her searching for me but then she just disappeared out of my sight and I haven't seen her since. I've searched through the whole fucking room and still can't find her. I know for a fact that she hasn't shifted and run away, I put silver in her collar. So she has to be in the castle. 

Ethan walks past me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I run after him before grabbing a hold of his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. He turns around, confusion is written on his face until he sees me.

Ethan is the best tracker in this castle, even better than a werewolf.

"Help me find Aurora." I say, not even bothering to ask.

"Where have you looked?" he asks as his gaze wanders around the room, eyeing everyone suspiciously. 

"The whole ballroom." I sigh. His gaze snaps to me as he furrows his brows. 

"Only the ballroom!" Ethan exclaims. I roll my eyes. 

"I can't leave my own party, you know." I answer sarcastically. The realization hits him like a wave before he once again nods. I let go of his shoulder before watching him walk out of the room, on a quest to find my pet. 

Ethan's POV

I walk out of the ballroom, searching for Aurora. A smart girl like her wouldn't try to escape, she has to be here. I use my vampire speed as I run through the halls of the first floor until the scent of honey and blood hits my nostrils. I stop dead in my tracks, I know that scent. 

It's Aurora. 

I follow the stomach-turning scent as I come closer to a door, one of the guest rooms. I burst through the room, breaking the lock only to find Aurora laying on the bed, half-dead. The sheets she lays on are all covered in red, the same goes for the white cloth around her neck. Whoever bit her didn't make an effort to hide it. I walk over to her, listening after a heartbeat. 

Even though it seems as if she lost a lot of blood, her heart still beats strongly. She must be regaining strength. 

I tap on her shoulder, gently trying to wake her up. Her eyes shoot open as her gaze flutters around the room, as her eyes meet mine her muscles relax but tense up even quicker. Her eyes glitter with unspilled tears for the first time since I've met her. 

"D- don't tell Xander." she pleads as her voice cracks. I get onto the bed, trying to get closer to her. 

"Why not?" I ask as I watch her shake her head. 

"Just please." Aurora begs, crawling over to me before her small hands grab a hold of my shirt. Tears stream down her face as she clutches to me with her dear life. 

"Only if you tell me what happened." I say as I wrap my arms around her, earning sobs from Aurora as she holds pure fear in her eyes. She shakes her head as her body trembles under my touch.

"N-no." she sobs into my chest while shaking her head. 

"Aurora, you have to tell me what happened or I can't help you." I explain, trying to calm her down. 

"I- I don't w-want to die." she sobs quietly. My whole body tenses up as my grip on her tighten. 

"You won't die, I'll make sure of it." I whisper, trying my best to make sure my anger doesn't show. 

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