46- Questions

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Aurora's POV

"Xander?" My voice breaks the pleasant silence. Xander looks down at me, where I lay wrapped in his grasp. He doesn't say anything but I can see the look in his eyes that says 'continue'. I take in a long breath before I ask the question I've been dreading to ask for a long long time. "Did you really kill all of your previous pets?" 

A low laugh leaves Xander's lips as his chest rumbles against my hands. Amusement trickles in his eyes as his gaze holds onto mine.   

"No... that's a lie," he smirks.

"What? But why?" I almost shout in confusion and a little bit of anger. 

Why would he lie to me? Am I really that untrustworthy? 

"All vampires use that lie. We use it to scare off parents, you know so they won't sell," he explains, his smirk long gone. We gaze into each other's eyes before Xander opens his mouth again, "I know what you're gonna ask... what happens to the pets, right?" 


"Servants," that's all he says and all he needs to say for me to understand. 

A smirk travels to my lips as I sit up, untangling myself from Xander's grip as another question comes to mind.

"So what was all that talk about you being a predator?" A grin forms on Xander's lips, matching my own before he speaks. 

"You were just so annoying," he laughs as a chuckle escapes my lips as well.

So vampires don't really want pets; the whole pet industry is just to give humans a better life. But if humans get a better life what do werewolves get?

"Do werewolves get a better life or are they forced into military training?" 



"A punishment for their uncontrollable instincts." 

His words quiet me down as I let the topic die. I know about their instinct first hand, one of them tried to bite my head of the first day I was placed in the store. As I block the memories of my broken and wounded arm another question comes to mind, a question about the war. I bite my lip as I wonder if I should ask or if it's too soon. 

"Why haven't you told me about the war?" I smack a hand over my mouth as chock takes over, I never meant to ask. 

His head whips into my direction as his silver eyes are overtaken by crimson red. 

"We do not speak of it!" he quietly growls as he gets out of bed and starts pacing around.

"Why not?!" 

"Because you do NOT understand," his growl becomes louder this time.

"Then explain it to me," I exclaim as I get out of bed as well.

"He's like nothing anyone's ever seen, I've seen him do things that should be impossible, toy with others minds, make people do things they don't want to do. If this went public, not only would it create panic but it would give him power and strength."

"Who is He?" 

"The dark lord."

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