Chapter 6

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"Seems as if our time is up." Maria says as she stops the beeping timer in her hand. I lift my gaze to find her deep green ones staring at me with a smile.

"Already?" I breath out, subtly surprised, while she nods her head. I place the throw pillow back neatly, my mouth feeling dry and throat scratchy as I rise from the couch with my purse.

"Sadly, but I'll see you again tomorrow at eleven, okay?" She reminds me with a warm smile. I simply nod my head, somewhat dejected to know time is up for today. "Today was a great start, Cameron."

I can only bring myself to nod, before I'm opening the door and walking down the small hallway to the lobby. I awkwardly rub the length of my arm, letting out soft breaths of air as I ride down the elevator in silence. Exiting, my soft flats don't make a sound against the tile flooring, unlike the many heels I hear clinking around me.

Turning the corner, my eyes quickly gaze over the few people waiting in the lobby to talk to Dr. Sanchez, or possibly the other professionals in this building. I chew on my bottom lip as I push the door open, the warm air circling around me and blowing my hair slightly.

I fold my arms over my chest as I walk down the nearly empty sidewalk, keeping my eyes glued to the seemingly endless cracks and chips drawn into the concrete. My phone rings loudly, causing me to jump and quickly regain myself before pulling it out my back pocket.


"Hey, how was the first day?" Adeline genuinely asks into the phone. I exhale deeply as I cross the busy street of cars and buses, making my way over to the somewhat occupied playground.

"Alright," I casually reply, the sound of children screaming and laughing faintly filling my ears.

"Just alright?" I remain silent, not really knowing what to say about it, causing her to sigh on the other end of the call. "Well, how close are you?"

"I'm here, I don't see you though." I reply, my eyes scanning over the small park. My eyes soon lock on short, blonde haired child bouncing up and down as she ran back to the little staircase for the slide. Just off to the side is Adeline, the phone pressed to her ear as she looks for me. "Never mind," I whisper.

She turns her head to the left, a smile appearing on her face as we lock eyes, before quickly turning back to watch the little girl. I take a seat on the plastic bench adjacent to the playground, watching as Adeline picks up the toddler.

"Cam, cam!" She squeals while reaching her small hands out towards me, a smile instantly tugging at my lips.

"Hi, my little Lily pad," I coo as she was settles in my lap. Her chubby fingers play with the ends of my hair as she giggles and looks up at me, her round blue eyes resembling her mother's perfectly.

"Here, Lily." Adeline says while taking a seat beside me, holding the small bottle of juice to Lily. Too lost in her own world, I grab the bottle and wave it slowly in Lily's face, prompting her to grab it instantly.

"How long have y'all been here?" I ask Adeline, her eyes closed contently as she leans her head back. Her, now, shoulder length hair is pulled back into a small ponytail, a few strays hanging out in the front.

She lets out a breath and sits back straight, rubbing the palms of her hands down her light denim jeans. "Long enough. Isn't that right, Lily?"

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