Chapter 24

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"I remember staying up for hours that night, almost spent the entire day in bed but Derek...he was home so I spent the day with him. Everything just went down hill from there." I quietly say while looking down at the carpeted floor.

Maria doesn't say a word, honestly. She writes down things in her notebook as I speak and then she just looks at me for a second, like she's digesting it all. This whole thing probably sounds like one twisted soap opera, and I only wish it was.

"How's Adeline?" She asks while laying her pen down against the notebook. Not the question I was expecting after all that.

"She's good. She has a daughter, clearly, and uhm she's doing well." I answer, not really knowing what she's looking for.

"I'm assuming, Cole, isn't in the picture anymore?"

I let out a laugh, "son of a bitch dipped the day he found out." I press my lips together, quickly apologizing for my use of words.

"You're fine, Cameron. Say whatever you feel." She says with a wave of her hand, her eyes skimming over her notes briefly. "Have you considered bringing Adeline to one of these sessions?"

"N-No, not really." I truthfully answer. "She's never mentioned ever wanting to come or anything. Funny enough it was her dad who insisted I'd go get therapy."

"Talk to her, it may be good for the both of you to have these open discussions. She sounds very...hmm, timid I guess you could say, so maybe this would allow her to talk about more factors in regards to her life."

Maria looks at me as she finished talking, her green eyes looking for some reaction to her proposition. I nod my head awkwardly, not fully sure how Adeline would feel coming in to one of my sessions. "It's only a suggestion, don't worry about it."

She runs her hands down the front of her slacks, smoothing out the black material as she walks over to her desk and shuts off the recoding. I've been here almost two hours as I unlock my phone, the time reading shortly after noon.

I wonder if Aiden's at work? Oh, shoot...I didn't drive my self here. "You don't mind if I call someone?" I ask while holding up my phone, the small hand gesture from Maria allowing me to dial his number.

Don't be mad, don't be mad, don't be—"Hello?" His deep voice answers, pulling me away from my subconscious prayers. He doesn't sound upset, although I know he doesn't like being called at work.

"Hey," I began shakily, causing me to clear my throat. "Hey, are you at work? It's just my session just ended and I kind of forgot you drove me here."

A light chuckle sounds through the phone, "why do sound so nervous?" I stay quiet, thoroughly thinking out my response. "Just come outside."

What? Before I can even ask, the line goes dead and I'm left with the quietness of the office. Giving a small goodbye to Maria, I slip out of the building and  smile as his black Mercedes comes in sight.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while closing the car door behind me, his scent filling my nose immediately. I can't help but notice he's not in his usual business attire. Come to think of it, he wasn't when he drove me here earlier today.

He just stares over at me, his brow slightly arched as he rests his fingers against his chin. I dart my eyes around, trying to figure out his game. I open my mouth slightly, only for my lips to be connected with his as he holds my chin.

"I like that greeting better." He says as he pulls away, the engine of the car roaring before we're moving out of the parking lot. "How'd your meeting go?"

A cheeky smile grew on my face as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "it went good." It's a simple response and I can tell he feels the same way, but I don't think I'm ready to explain that part of my life with him—yet.

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