Chapter 8

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The late summer sun blazed down as I grabbed my bags and closed the car door with my hip, smiling over at Grayson as he effortlessly climbed out of his car.

"Well, welcome to Westbrook High." I said while walking across the noisy parking lot, "Where the food is trash and the people are trashier."

"That bad, huh?" He asked with a light chuckle.

"You have no idea." I replied while adjusting the strap on my book bag again. The school swarmed with students as he opened the front door, the cool breeze from the air conditioning thankfully hitting my body.

I happily greeted some of my peers after not seeing each other's faces every day for the past three months. It had finally hit me that this was my last first day, and I couldn't be happier.

"Grayson?" I asked as I turned to speak and he wasn't there. Looking around different sized frames and bodies, I made out his tall figure through the glass of the front office. Maneuvering my way around, I reached the office door before I felt my left arm being tugged back. "What the-"

"What's up, bitch?" Kristen happily greeted while hooking her arm around mine. Her hair flowed down her back nicely, her maroon dyed tips contrasting nicely against the form-fitting gray midi dress she had on. "You look hot."

"Same to you. Where's Adeline? I thought she gave you a ride?" I asked, remembering their conversation from yesterday.

"She's down there with our friends," She coolly said while pointing down the hall. "Exactly where we should be, so let's go."

I stood my ground as she tried pulling my arm, a confused expression plastered across her face as she realized I wasn't budging.

"I gotta wait for Grayson," I informed, nudging my head towards the office.

"He's in there?" She asked while looking through the glass as if she couldn't see him standing there. I nodded my head slowly, as if she was stupid, before she spoke again. "And you didn't say anything?"

"You literally pulled me away from the door as I tried going in."

"What was I supposed to think? Nobody happily walks into the office." She rolled her eyes before shifting her attention past me, suddenly making me turn my head. "Hey, Grayson."

"Hey. Kristen, right?" He asked for confirmation while folding the slip of paper in his hands repeatedly.

"That's me." I silently laughed to myself at her slight change in demeanor. Stretching her hand out, she grabbed the paper from his hands, unfolding it carelessly. "Schedule?"

"Yeap," he replied, not really minding she took the paper. She gave him a small smile before reading his schedule and walking down the hallway.

"Where is she-" Grayson began to ask before I put my hand up and slowly shook my head.

"I don't know. Just follow her." I said, another laugh escaping out mouths as we followed behind.

"Okay, Mister Froyer," Kristen voiced while turning around to face us, wiggling her eyebrows, "You have English first, then a free block, sports medicine, and then chemistry."

"Anything with you guys?" Grayson asked while looking between the two of us. Kristen shook her head, while I replied with free block and chemistry. She rolled her eyes at my response before handing Grayson his schedule back.

"Oh well, I'll see you both at lunch anyways." She said before turning back around and lightly jogging towards our friends.

"We all have the same lunch?" He asked from beside me, making me look up at him.

The Boy Next DoorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang