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The wind was dancing heavily as he ran, slicing through its invisible display.
He kept looking back over his shoulder, his mind a mess amidst his deafening pants; his only thought, avoid dying. Both of his lungs felt like they were on fire the faster he ran, there was a strain on his heart causing his chest to feel as if it was caving into itself.

With each deep and jagged breath, smoke heaved out of his mouth, his skin prickling from the cold wind blowing.
Craig had been running for so long despite there was no one behind him anymore yet he didn't stop because he knew why. Stopping would mean that his parents and siblings were going to be visited by men and women in crisply ironed uniforms whose faces were contorted softly by sympathy when in truth it was just something they would be feigning. Stopping would mean that his body would be laid motionless in a narrow box dressed neatly in clothing he'd never worn not once in his living days then lowered softly into the earth. He wasn't ready for that, not at all so it's why he ran, his life depended on it.

At first, he had no idea where he would go, or whom to seek shelter from but as he galloped through the wet streets it finally came too him. He knew who could help him though he wasn't sure if she would. He knew his sister, Brie had been dating her, he'd learned of it a couple of months almost close to a year ago and he'd met the infamous gangster herself. Raye was unlike what he had expected her to be and also what his baby sister would fall for. There wasn't anything wrong with her, but never in a million years would he had guessed they'd be together, but they were.

Although Raye had mentioned she was no longer affiliated with the mafia to his family and others, Craig knew otherwise. Getting out of the life she'd lived wasn't so easy and he knew the good girl facade she was putting up to show his parents and sister wasn't what was underneath. She was still connected to the mafia and he was probably the only one who truly knew and that's why he needed her help.

Choosing to hide behind a dumpster, he squatted down deep into the darkness trying his best to control his breathing, keeping it quiet. Sweat clung to his temples despite the cold and a few beads trickled down his back from the insides of his shirt. The muscles in his thighs felt tight and sore. He wasn't out of shape but also certainly wasn't a big runner either. He breathed and breathed, calming his racing heart and heated veins. Craig was afraid and he'd never deny it.

Over the years he had done things, terrible things that would leave his parents appalled, recently more so than ever. His mother would weep endlessly if she ever heard and for that. He wasn't proud. Being wrapped up in a perilous lifestyle wasn't his intentions but it happened and lately, he was in some even deeper shit. The reason why he'd been running for his life merely minutes ago was because of those bad decisions he made years ago and still continued to make. This was what appeasing to people who you meant little too turned out to be like—watching over your shoulders at all times while running through dark alleyways hoping to lose them.

Sitting there by that dumpster contemplating his entire life, his eyes stung with tears as he thought of everything. All of it was no one's fault but his, he chose this life and now he really wanted out, despite what it may cost and he knew it will require a lot.

A few minutes had gone by with him squatting there with no signs of the men who had been chasing after him. He sighed with relief, his vision clouding from the smoke that left his mouth. It was cold, really cold but he didn't mind facing it a little than a lot. That permanent coldness wasn't what he desired just yet and he knew any wrong move and those guys wouldn't even hesitate. Using his hands to push himself from against the rough cold wall of whatever building he'd been resting against. Peering all around, Craig made sure not a soul was in sight before he started sprinting off again.
Out in the streets, he kept his head down and pace reasonable as he went, hailing a cab eventually to take him to his sister's. He wasn't quite sure if she'd be at home or not but didn't dwell on it for too long.

Brie usually worked the night shifts the few things he'd seen her in the last couple of weeks, which meant that the person he would be looking for was probably going to be at home. Either that or he'd have to go find her elsewhere.

* * * *

It took Craig a little over twenty minutes to get to Brie's place. He then ran into the building going up to her floor, his hands shaking as they were tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants. He was praying to every deity above to have them strategically place Raye right where he needed her, despite them not being close. He knew she'd understand, she seemed like that type of person but what he feared was that she wouldn't keep it to herself. He had every right to be though, Brie had her wrapped around her fingers and even he knew it. He just wished for once maybe that spell wouldn't be implemented for the sake of his privacy.

Walking over to the door, rubbing his nose, Craig sniffed a few times before tapping lightly. For a few seconds no one answered the door he wondered if he was making a grave mistake going to his sister's girlfriend with his personal problems but the severity of it told him he was going to the right person. If there was literally anyone who would've been able to help him at all it would definitely be Raye.

Tapping his knuckles once more against the door, he heard footsteps shuffling around before the door came swinging open, revealing the former gangster in all her glory. She was taller than he was by a few inches and dressed casually in grey sweats and a t-shirt. Her chestnut hair laid about her chest and shoulders all smooth and glistening. There was a beer nestled in her hand and also a look of complete surprise as she regarded him.

"Hey, Craig what a surprise seeing you here," Raye stated, grimacing slightly at him.

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