Ch. Forty- Three

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Sitting in a chair out front, steadily twirling a peanuts outer shell between the tips of his fingers, feeling its texture graze his skin, Brian remains passive though his heart was heavy. He looked out into the chilled night, his thoughts everywhere: from his abducted daughter to his now-deceased son. Between grief and anger, the man didn't know which one ate him up the most. Having to watch two of his children grieve for their siblings and his wife her children was a true heartache he didn't wish on anyone. He was exhausted waiting for something good to come from their situation but all that greeted them were unfortunate series of events.

With his soon to be daughter in law and her uncle both existing quietly beside him he thinks of why he called them there for he had delayed the actual reason long enough. They were all waiting for the Quinn fella to reach out that day but so far he never did. They were all tense, anxious, on the verge of losing their sanity and stolid composure.

"Seems like we found ourselves in a bit of a tough situation where we are subject to a change of plan," he speaks and Raye looks over at him from the man's left. His salt and pepper hair barely visible from the bit of light that streamed from the window above them drifted with the occasional breeze, brushing his forehead. She had her long feet up on a wicker chair just in front of her. Her uncle was on the other side of the man, calmly looking around.

They knew what Brienna's father was speaking of, they were aware but how and what this subjected change was left them curious.

"I know people that can intervene. People that could probably help bring back my daughter. You both know this."

"With all due respect, I do not doubt that you can pull this whole thing off on your own but it may get messy and that's what I don't want. I got men I can't lose, your daughter, my niece, my family." Luca stresses walking around to face the man. "I thought we agreed to take this thing easy and let Quinn calls for what he wants."

"Being nice has never done anything within the face such difficulties."

"Look, you might have done a few messed up things in your life when you were young and walked among a few malignant people but that was years ago. Time has changed,"

"But the game has remained the same. The people I know are just as cold-hearted and vindictive as you lot. They've just been swept under the radar because of old age and retirement."

"Who knows," Brian throws the peanut shell away, shifting in his seat. "This whole mess could be solved without there having to be bloodshed. You just need to let me help."

"Alright," the shorter man nods, running his hand over his head, touching his soft hair. "Let's say we do that. Let's say we let you take over to handle this. How do we make sure that one, Brienna and everyone come out alive and two, we get rid of Quinn once and for all without making it look like we did it?"

"It's simple. You don't go to him. You don't do anything but do I as I say. I can call up a favour to this buddy of mine I go fishing with every once in a while. In the day's Carter held contracts as a hitman. He may be able to help me talk to Quinn. Carter's father was apart of the Irish mob."

"Why didn't you ever tell me before that you knew important men, Mr Paulson?" Raye questions, her brows threading together. She still couldn't believe that the older man had links.

"A wise man never lets all of his cats out the bag at once. I was never heavily affiliated with the gangs but I was familiar enough to make friends with notable men. I never said anything because what was the point?" He asks, his gaze roaming his front yard. It was quiet. The neighbours were all indoors. His wife was inside with their two children who decided to stay and even they were quiet.

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