Ch. Thirteen

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Luca took in the appearance of the girl that came to his office, minutes before his niece had shown; she was quirky. Seemed rather inquisitive and very, very young to even be within the room.
Together he and Raye watched as the girl walked around the entire office touching and examining things on shelves before Raye cleared her throat.

"Have a seat," she tossed over to the younger girl who quickly obeyed.

"You guys are the real deal ya know," Charlie chuckled taking a seat on the chair but not too ladylike. Raye had noticed and a tiny smirk stretched across her lips.

"What exactly do you mean by the real deal?"

"Like you guys ain't no joke, I've heard of the mafia. You're nothing like the little gangs I've been apart of. You guys are serious."

"You thought this was all supposed to be some joke?" Luca arched a brow. "Well, no but. I mean your people are savages— I mean no disrespect but I see the news."

"Okay. So what exactly are you doing here?"

"I don't know, she asked me to come here." Luca turned to Raye who was sitting a distance away with her legs crossed.

"I brought her here because I think she could be useful. I'm sure you heard what happened last night with her and the guys."

"I did. Heard she's quite the fighter." He'd replied, scrutinizing the girl as best he could. She seemed energetic and lively— a bit talkative too. "I don't know what you expect me to do." He sat back into his seat saying.

"Give her a job, let's see what she's capable of."

"I don't know how that'll go over with the guys Raye, you know how hostile they could be."

"They gave me a shot for crying out loud, why should it be any different with Charlie? It's not like she'll be running the mafia."

"She wasn't bred into this, that's the difference."

"Give her a job, " she said sternly. "See what she can do, maybe she could work for me, but give her a job."

"She's too young," he replied quickly.

"Don't give me that uncle Luca, just don't. You guys were more than willing to give me Uncle Paul's position after he died and that's far worse than just giving her a chance."

"That's because you knew about this already. She's just a girl that so happens to know how to defend herself and that's good, but don't get her involved in this."

"Wait you guys want me to work for you?" Charlie finally interjects, feeling Raye's presence beside her as she stood looking down, her face expressionless.

"Yes. What do you say about that?"

"Like I get to be a criminal? Steal things, rob places, kill people kinda shit?"

"Yes but not exactly that. You'd be disposable to me. You'd work mostly for me and it probably won't even be that dangerous."

"Do I get paid?"

"Obviously," answered Raye.

"Then yes, " Charlie responded hurriedly. "I mean, I am tired of my stupid cafe job anyway."

"What about school, you go to school right?" Questioned Luca.

"Yeah I go but that won't be a problem."

"Then it's settled. Charlie works for us now and I want the guys to know, that stunt they pulled last night should not happen again. Sure, if they want to rile other dudes up that's fine, but women are off-limits now." She stated and her uncle sighed, nodding his head. Nodding over to Charlie she and the girl then left the room where waiting outside was Craig. Upon seeing him Charlie's face lit up,

When Our Worlds Collide (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora