Ch. Twenty- Four

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"What did you find?"

"Everything you wanted boss," answers the man sitting across from Luca.
The green-eyed fella sat away from the desk, but he was so tall that his legs were touching the front of it. Luca studies Distefano, the well-known hitman within the mafia. Though he was only twenty-eight he carried a rather impressive track record. He'd done work for his niece in the past and now it was time for him to do it again.

"Awful thing what happened to her," the younger man expresses, fixing himself better onto the chair. He props his elbow onto the armrest, while he spins a bullet pendant from his chain around in his palms. Luca sighs heavily, reminiscing on the whole thing. The incident had shaken him to his core. Every day for the last four days since Raye had been in the hospital, his state of mind had deteriorated. He was feeling more lethargic than usual. The work he usually put in around the restaurant and the things he did had come to a significant halt. Raye's incident had affected him so badly, he lost sleep at night. He often found himself praying to the heavenly father that she'd pull through— he knew she would but sometimes he felt otherwise.

"I want you to kill the sons of bitches that hurt her,"

"That's why I'm here isn't it. Plus, I already located them. I know their names, where they live, everything."

"I want you to take them out as soon as you can, then I want you to get rid of the bodies. Let them be nothing but memories in the minds of everyone they knew. Let their names be like whispers of a ghost."

"Yes boss," Distefano grins, his crooked teeth flashing before the older man's hazel eyes and even he got chills staring at him. He was very much aware of the boy's reputation. Luca had eventually dismissed him and the moment he did that he picked up his keys and left the building. Out in the open, he gets into his car and drives over to Raye's apartment to pick up Brie.

He'd gone all the way up and was now knocking at her door, only for her to surface seconds later. Her usually bright grey eyes were dull and inanimate. Dark circles present beneath them and he could see a slight indentation of worry lines beginning to shape above her forehead.

"Brienna," he says and she attempted a smile. It was sweet but he could tell behind it she was hurting immensely.

"Hey, Luca,"

"You ready?"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes,"

He nods and enters the house. Slipping the door shut he took a seat at the couch. Since Brienna had come home from the hospital he made it his duty to take her each time she wanted to see Raye. This was his second time and much to their dissatisfaction, the girl hadn't woke yet. He was beginning to get worried. He was hoping that she would've already come through, but apparently not.

The sound of rapid footsteps against the hardwood floor could be heard and he looked around in time to catch Brienna making her way towards him. She was dressed rather simple in a brown t-shirt and dark jeans, a jacket inside of her hand.

"Will we be stopping for anyone along the way?"

"No, not today," Brienna says. Whenever she'd go to visit Raye either her sister, mom or one of her friends would come along besides Luca, but today she wanted to be alone with the girl. Luca nods and stood up from the couch, making his way toward the door with Brienna behind him. Together they quietly exited the apartment until they were inside his car. The ride was silent as the two didn't really have much to say. Luca despised small talk as much as Brie did.

They were pulling into the hospital's parking lot when a flashback of that night came flooding. Luca remembered the way the girl sitting beside him had wrestled herself free from his grasp, all while throwing punches and smacks his way. He wasn't angry at what she'd done, but he wouldn't tolerate it again as that night was just a one-time thing.

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