Chapter 15

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I woke up to a sharp hit on the head. "Ughhh," I groaned and grabbed my face, still too sleepy to open my eyes.

If you don't open your eyes in the next two seconds, the next hit is going directly into your kidney, a feminine voice that I didn't recognize filled my head.

My eyes instantly opened, and I was confused when Ares stood above me.

"How are you in my head?" I asked, my brain still fuzzy.

The old healer guy made some potion that makes me able to mindlink with you, and a separate one for the rest of the pack, Ares explained.

"Why did you have to hit me to wake me up," I grumbled. "A 'Good morning, Onyx, how did you sleep?' would have sufficed."

One side of Ares' mouth quirked up into a smile. Get ready for training. If you're not down in five minutes, I'll keep that in mind when we're sparring.

With those words, she left the room. Did she just threaten me?

I quickly got up to get dressed, not willing to risk making the Blood Luna angry. As I was putting my hair up into a bun, Thane appeared behind me.

"Where's the fire?" He asked sarcastically, referring to my frantic dressing.

"It'll be under my ass if I don't meet the Blood Luna downstairs in a minute," I told Thane as I quickly tied my running shoes.

Thane frowned. "You have no reason to fear Ares. She wouldn't harm you, she knows I would kill her."

I snorted. "Good luck dealing with the Blood Alpha."

Thane roughly grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so I was pinned to his chest. "I do not fear the Blood Alpha or Luna. Regardless, neither of them will hurt you. Ares knows how precious you are to me, she'll be gentle," Thane promised and gave a quick kiss on my head.

I nodded, but I wasn't sure if I agreed. Thane didn't see her kill over a dozen wolves without flinching.

"Seriously, Onyx. I will never let someone harm you," Thane's voice was distinctly deeper, and his green eyes were glowing bright.

"Fine, but I shouldn't be late," I said breathlessly. I had never seen him so intense before.

His gaze burned through me for a few seconds longer before he released me from his grasp. I went downstairs where Ares was standing with Axel, leaving Thane behind.

"Is the Blood Alpha coming?" I asked Ares.

She shook her head. He already left with the Blood Lake wolves. Axel is just staying to babysit.

I scoffed before responding back through the mindlink, I find it hard to believe that you need a babysitter.

Ares cracked a brief smile, but her eyes held a mischievous glint. Try telling that to Cain.

I rolled my eyes as I smiled. Yeah, right. He was the last person in the world I would ever start an argue with.

Axel interjected, "What is Ares telling you? Did she call me a glorified babysitter?"

I couldn't hold my giggle in. "Seriously, Luna?" Axel whined. "I'm the f*cking Beta of Blood Lake, you gotta stop telling people that I'm a babysitter."

Ares smirked but said nothing else. She started to head out the door.

We walked in silence towards the training center. "Luna, can I ask something?" I finally asked.

Stop calling me Luna. If you manage to not get killed during the challenge, you'll be a Luna too. It's Ares, she demanded. But yes, ask.

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