Chapter 53

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I wake up in pure horror.

Well, that's not precisely true.

Let me back up.

When I first woke up, I was warm. And not alone.

Not only was I sharing the bed with Finn, I was sharing the bed with Finn.

My head was laying on his chest, my arm draped around his muscular torso, and my legs were tangled in his.

So, now you see why my morning begins in horror.

Given the horrific nature of the situation, one could understand my paralysis, and therefore my inability to untangle myself from a very warm, very attractive Finnley.

His eyes were closed as I stared at him, and once again, I marveled at his sheer beauty, unlike anything I had ever seen before. His face was perfectly chiseled, as was the rest of him. His hair was adorably messy, slightly curled at the ends. One strand was separated from the others, curling on his forehead.

Before I think it through, I reach my hand up to put the strand of hair with the others.

Finn catches my wrist with his hand, his eyes still closed. "It's considered rude to stare, you know," He says with a smile.

I jump, startled that he was awake. "Oh- um, well, it's just that there's a piece of your hair on your forehead separated from the others, and it shouldn't be away from its friends. It could have gotten lonely, you know?" I nervously ramble, suddenly very conscious of the fact that I'm only wearing one of his shirts and a pair of panties.

He chuckles lowly. "Can't have that, can we?" He agrees huskily, and I shiver, despite the fact that I'm uncomfortably warm.

He still hasn't let go on my wrist, so I tug it away. "I'll just, um, be taking this back now," I say nervously, and he finally releases his grip and opens his eyes.

Dark, long eyelashes frame his eyes, and I'm amazed by how green they are, like spring.

And then I remember that my limbs are intertwined with his.

I scramble to untangle myself, my cheeks flushing as I tug the shirt down, since it was previously hitched up to my waist.

"Where's my apology?" Finn asks suddenly.

I freeze on the side of the bed, his words stopping me from bolting to hide in the bathroom. "What?"

He's eyes are glowing in mischief, and his smile is still painstakingly beautiful. "Well, for one, you promised to keep your hands to yourself."

My face burns even hotter, and I'm sure I look like a tomato.

"Secondly, your snoring kept me up the whole night," He teases with a laugh, and I hit him with a pillow.

"I do not snore!" I say defensively, but I can't help giggling. He seems so... happy. It was infectious.

He puts the pillow I hit him with behind his head, propping him up, and I try not to stare at his bare chest. "You're right," He says lowly. "I must have been distracted by something else."

His gaze lowers to my exposed leg, and I blurt out, "I have to pee!"

He laughs. "Luckily, I thought of that when building this place, and put in a bathroom or two."

I groan in embarrassment before scurrying into the bathroom, and can hear Finn laughing from the bedroom. My suspicions were confirmed when I look in the mirror, and my face is pink. My curly hair is even more untamed than usual, and I cringe as I realize that Finn has seen me like this.

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