Chapter 60

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The next six days fly by in the blink of an eye.
Finn and Kallista handle all of the wedding details, and Finn tells me not to worry about any of it. I think he knew that I loathe making any kind of decision and wouldn't want the pressure of having to make decisions for an entire wedding.

So, they handle absolutely everything, from dresses to décor to the music they're going to play. I hadn't even seen my dress yet.

On that sixth night, Finn returns from a long day away finalizing wedding plans. I try to pull him into bed, but he laughs and resists my tugs. "Sorry, my love. You know that human custom says that we have to spend the night before the wedding apart. If we're going to do this, we better do it right."

I pout. "You're really going to make me sleep alone because of a dumb human tradition?"

Finn laughs again, pulling me into his arms for a tight hug. "It'll just make seeing you tomorrow all the more exciting, my love."

I groan. "Ugh, if humans had mates, they wouldn't even suggest something so torturous."

"It'll just be one night, my darling fiancée," Finn chuckles. "I promise this will be the last night you'll ever spend without me. Go get some beauty rest, okay? Kallista threatened to chop my balls off if you had dark circles under your eyes tomorrow."

He kisses me goodnight before ducking out of the room. I toss and turn for hours, too nervous to fall asleep. I groaned and got out of bed. Screw patience. I had wasted so many nights away from Finn already, I would not throw another one away.

When I sneak into his guest room and crawl into his bed, he doesn't send me away. He just pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly, and sleep finds me almost instantly.

I wasn't surprised when by the time I woke up, Finn was gone. There was another note on the dresser, and I smiled, thinking of my collection of notes from my beautiful mate.

My mate, love of my life, and after today, my wife:

I should be infuriated with you for sullying my honor by crawling into my bed before I properly wed you, but as I write this, you snore softly and your little hands stretch out on my side of the bed, seeking me out even in slumber. I suppose I can forgive this one indiscretion, if only because I have never seen someone more darling and beautiful.

I would go on and on about how much I love you, but you'll just have to wait until our vows to hear it.

I'll see you soon, my love.

-For one last day, your fiancé.

The note floods my heart with warmth, and I go into our room to put it with the others.

When I get there, Kallista and Astrid are already waiting.

Kallista squeals when she sees me, pulling me into her arms. "I can't believe after today, you'll officially be my sister!"

I laugh, and my heart feels unbelievably full. I went from having nobody, to having an entire family of my own.

Even Astrid seems like she's in a good mood. "Congratulations, Onyx," She says with a small smile. "I can't think of any two people more perfect for each other. You make a beautiful couple."

My cheeks redden as she pulls me in for a hug of her own, not used to her showing any kind of affection with anyone but Will.

"You guys are here early," I note as Kallista shoves me into the bathroom and turns on the shower.

"Conversion factor," Astrid says, and rolls her eyes at Kallista.

"We have a lot of work to do," Kallista says seriously, and pulls out a clipboard. "Don't worry, I've scheduled everything."

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