1. Mason; the prince

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We were supposed to be getting ready to go out but instead we were both sat in front of the TV in Brandon’s living room after I turned up here half an hour ago. He had this way of zoning out on things getting completely absorbed into whatever it was which I both loved and hated. It made him a great listener and could be one of his best traits but when he was like this his attention not on me one bit it got me wound up.

I scoffed flopping lower into the couch glancing over at him. He was sat on the edge of the sofa his knees separated with his elbows on each of them leant into the screen almost. His out of control locks were trying to escape his man bun it had been in all day the majority of it falling into his face which occasionally he would reach up for pushing them over his head.

When I got here he had been watching some boxing game and promised me it was almost over but still they were grossly throwing punches at each other as they staggered back and forth around the ring both of them looking like they were about to drop. Brandon was so involved in the game he was oohing and taking sharp in takes of breath before sighing dropping his head with a sigh. I wasn’t into Boxing and he knew it so I didn’t bother to ask who was getting close to winning.

“What?” He asked breaking me from my thoughts his voice monotone as he didn’t even move his eyes towards me still fixated on the match.

“What?” I repeated him not knowing what he meant. My tone seeped my annoyance making him spin to look at me a goofy grin on his face before he averted his eyes to the TV again of course.

“Well your just staring at me.” He must of caught me watching him making my stomach twist in the weird way it does around him.

“I wasn’t.” I denied reaching for my phone needing something to distract myself from looking at him anymore. Just as I unlocked it though my attempts were very quickly crashing down as he stood cheering and punching the air as one of the guys was knocked out flat indicating the end of the game, finally. I was smiling not because it was finished but because Brandon was clearly happy with the results meaning we would be having an even better night out as his mood would be on cloud nine.

I licked my lip absentmindedly when his work shirt rose from out his trousers a slither of his stomach coming into view. “Can we get ready now?” I asked my eyes meeting his as he towered over me.

“Bagsy shower first.” He called, as soon as the words left his mouth he took off for the stairs me closely behind shoving him as we got to the bathroom at the same time us both in fits of laughter.

Our hands were all over each other as we fought our way inside but I was trying not to think about the electric feelings he left over me because it was something that had been happening recently that I didn’t understand so was ignoring.

I got to the shower first pushing the button to turn it on without having to think about how it worked, knowing this place like the back of my hand from being here so often.

Brandon was an only child and lived with just his Dad who worked quite a bit meaning a lot of the time it was just Brandon home. It had been this way since we turned sixteen so since then we crashed mostly here. Sometimes just us, others with the rest of the guys. From what I knew though he never had any of the other’s over without someone else being here like he does with me.

“Fine, fine I let you win. Hurry up Prince.” He pushed my head giving in using his dorky nickname for me which had recently come about. Apparently I think I run this house when his Dad isn’t around and honestly I think his right. His useless, messy, dirty and all in all a bad person to live with so yes I do try to force him to tidy up after himself even if most the time I do it all for him.

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