49. Brandon; cheating

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The year hadn’t gotten off to the best start so far, everything that had been building  between me and Mason suddenly coming to a stop the moment I asked for it to, my looks at him back to being sneaky and private. My stomach flipping unable to say anything whenever he looked at another guy or joked around with even our friends over thinking, wondering if he liked them the same way he had liked me, especially with Blair.

At times I wondered if it was a mistake telling him that we shouldn’t be so into each other anymore, normally whenever we are alone in bed and all I want to do is hug up to him like we used to. Evidently though I knew I was right in making it be this way and he agreed with me our relationship going right back to purely best mates. I hadn’t once seen him look at me the way he had done, concentrating on my lips as we spoke or letting his eyes explore my body. It was strange at first how easy he seemed to find ignoring his feelings when still I couldn’t help but fantasise about him, us.

It had only been five days since alternately I ended things with Mason so maybe we both just needed time, me more than him.

We'd had a good weekend together anyway and even saw each other again yesterday but tonight Nora was coming over. As I pulled up outside my house there she was waiting for me sitting in her car still wrapping her arms around me as soon as she got out and I approached her. “Hey Daddy.” She almost purred making me pull away quizzical to the name she just called me holding her at arms reach to give her a questionable look.

“What was that?” I pushed a laugh even though it didn’t sit right with me for whatever reason. I know Daddy is a name a lot of girls call their boyfriends because for whatever reason they find it sexy but what I found weird was she had never said it to me before... Uncommon nicknames that only lasted a week or two as well as many other things that I’d noticed recently wasn’t sitting right with me.

“I just thought you like all the rough being in control sex so maybe being called daddy is something you would be into?” she explained and I was already shaking my head no as I started walking off to my front door.

“No Nora. Just like I didn’t like being called Dr. Jeckle or beast or your boy toy.” I rambled as I unlocked the front door leaving it open for her to follow me inside not even waiting for her as I kicked my shoes off carelessly and headed to the sofa without her.

“You didn’t say.” She spoke indicating she was in the house though before her small frame sank into my lap stroking my chest as she curled up beside me.

“Honestly babe I find it a little weird.” I finally admitted making her sit back away from the force of her over the top laugh.

“It’s not weird hun some guys like that sort of stuff.” She explained making me frown further at her. I took a real look at her now really starting to question not only all the things I’d started noticing that I didn’t like about her, like the names, the weird things she always asked me to do in the bedroom, the only hanging out together when she decided (usually last minute) but also my feelings for her in general and what I was doing with her... I thought I liked her, more than anyone else I’ve been with. I know I said before she’s the safe option but she’s more than that. “If you don’t then that’s okay too... but what about if I called you my ring master? I don’t mind being your ring girl...” She leant in closer to me again softening my face and bringing back my smile.

“Maybe that I don’t mind.” I moaned seductively kissing her neck then moving to her mouth.

We moved together heatedly my tongue quickly asking her mouth for entrance only to be denied as she instead pulled away then placed a single kiss to my mouth instead.

“Not tonight hun.” She again kissed my lips. I groaned irritated but I’d never push her instead I pulled her down onto my chest as I found the remote I left on the side of the sofa flickering through the channels for something to watch. I didn’t love Nora. I’d never loved anyone I’d ever been with even if we had slept together, well other than Mason. I loved Mason. I think just as a friend, a brother after all he is like family but after everything else that changed between us in the past six months I wouldn’t be surprised if more changed too. I turned my attention back to the show we were watching letting my over tired worked up brain zone out. It wasn’t long though until I was looking down to her on my chest again as soon as I saw her laying on me my mind slipped to Mason, something that seems to be inevitable.

I pushed him away. Nora has perfect red lips they were pretty gorgeous really especially now as she tugs at the lower one concentrating on the T.v. She would give these massive eyes too as she gave head something which she was also quite amazing at. The sex with her was good actually it always had been even if occasionally I imagined Mason instead of her normally only when she gave me a blowjob though because her hands are way to tiny to pretend to be Masons and well thinking about having actual sex with Mason is something I hadn’t really let myself think about yet.

Me and Nora got on well, compared to every other relationship I’d been in she was the best. She let me have my own time never being too over crowding or possessive of me in fact sometimes it could be the other way around and I’d wish she wanted me more. We liked the same things and she even let me watch boxing whenever it was on.

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