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I walk out to the bedroom to find Taylor sitting alone, staring at the bathroom door.

"Baby?" He asks.

I instantly crumble into his arms, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"That's what we're having. Our baby is finally going to be here in a few months." I say through gasps.

He stands up, and hugs me tight.

"I'm going to be a dad. I can't believe it. I love you, Emmie. I promise to protect you and our little boy forever." He says.

"Boy? How do you know we're having a boy?" I tease.

His face grows dark for a moment.

"We only have boys, sweetheart. Let's go tell my dad and the rest of the family. I'm so excited."

We go downstairs and Taylor grabs some pots and pans, and begins banging them together.

"We have a new Wilcox coming to the family!!" He yells.

Wilcox. So that's my new last name. Emerald Wilcox. It'll be the babys last name, too.

"Ooooh, another little boy!" Lindsay cheers. She looks like her belly is ready to pop any day now. Jared is already almost 3 apparently, but you'd never know it from how small he is.

"So, any names picked out?" Dylan asks.

"I like Landon for a boy.." I chime in.

"Let's name him after me." Taylor suggests.

"Taylor, no. That's too much. How about Mason?" Noah suggests.

"Well... I kinda like that. It's almost like you're saying 'my son'. But I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet." I admit.

"We only have boys in this family, the girls mostly die at birth." Jenny explains.

My mouth falls agape.

"Mom! Don't scare her like that!" Taylor chimes in.

"Well, look what happened to both of your sisters!" She snaps.

The room grows quiet.

"We'll make sure that doesn't happen again, darling." Noah finally says.

"Oh, and another thing? Clean this mess.. us men have work to do." He snaps.

This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now