Ch. 3

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Alec's POV

Throughout the whole dinner, Jace and I avoided eye contact and when it happened, we glared at each other so the adults wouldn't see. Jace Summers is one of the most annoying people in school. He's way too outgoing and tries too hard to be liked. And of course, he hates me because he doesn't know me. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm self-absorbed or something. Whatever. I can't believe we're going to be related... I will never survive.

After we all started eating our dessert, my dad whispered something across the table to Jenny. I couldn't hear anything except the word 'them'. That can't be good.

Jenny nodded and looked at Jace and Jasmine. That family really has a thing for names that start with 'J'.

"We have some more news for you guys, " she looked at me then, "you too, Alec sweety."

We all nodded and kept our attention on her.

She took a deep breath and begin talking, "We are all becoming our own little family soon, so Paul and I were thinking. We think, to get you guys warmed up to each other before the wedding, we can work on packing up this week and on the weekend... Jacey and Jazzy, we'll be moving into Paul and Alec's house."

I was so tempted to scream 'what?!' but I held it in and instead just stared wide-eyed at my dad and Jenny.

Jasmine was the first to break the silence, "Okay!" and then she started digging into her dessert.

I decided to stay quiet and eat too, but Jace had different plans. He began whispering to his mom but I heard what was being said.

"Is this actually happening?"

"Yes, sweety."


She put her hand on his shoulder, "It will be okay. I know you're nervous about moving in with two people you don't know that well. But you don't have to switch schools and you'll have more space in the house. We can talk more about this tonight, okay?"

He nodded and went to eat his dessert but noticed me looking at him. He opened his mouth to say something but just rolled his eyes and started eating. I did the same.


"I'm sorry we just sprung all of this news on you kids at once," my dad said apologetically as we were driving home after dinner.

I sighed, "It's fine. But I really dislike her son."

"Well hopefully with time you guys will get along better."

I just shrugged in response. I'm not that angry about this situation. It's just the fact that Jace Summers will be living with us in a week.

Jace's POV

"Why do we have to move in with them?"

My mom sighed and turned around from her mirror, she's trying to get her makeup off but I need to annoy her, "Because I'm marrying Paul. It wouldn't make sense for us to live in two different houses. Why are you so upset, honey?"

I sighed and sat down on her bed, "You know the guy I've told you about. The one that is so full of himself and we butt heads like crazy?"


"It's Alec."

Recognition flashed over her face but then she rolled her eyes, "Honey, it'll be fine. You guys will get along eventually. This isn't the end of the world."

"It sure feels like it."

She laughed at my dramatics, "Okay well nothing is changing, so why don't you go get into comfy clothes and go to bed?"

"Fine. Good night, love you."

She smiled and kissed my head, "Good night, I love you too."

After that, I went to my room and grabbed some comfy clothes which I brought to the bathroom. I showered and then got changed and laid in bed on my phone. As I was mindlessly playing a game, though, I couldn't stop thinking about the news. I can't believe that soon... Alec is going to be my stepbrother. There is no way in hell that I will actually treat him like a brother. If he's lucky I'll acknowledge that we're in the same house. I don't know if I even want to tell my friends. No way in hell they'll keep it quiet even if I asked. They all suck at keeping secrets which is why I didn't tell them I was gay until I was ready to come out to everyone. Ugh. Alec and I have one class and lunch together. I already thought that was too much and now I'll see him outside of school. I can't believe this.


"Hey, you keep zoning out. What's up?"


Dallas rolled his eyes at me, "I asked you what's up with you. You keep zoning out."

"Oh. I'm fine, just tired."

Grace raised her eyebrow at me, "For this long?"

It may or may not be the middle of the next week and I haven't told my friends the news yet and I've been super spacey. Fun.


"Come one, we're not that stupid."

I laughed, "I never said you were stupid."

"Then stop lying!" Riley said, slightly raising her voice.

I groaned, "Are you guys free after school?"

They all nodded.

I sighed, "Come over to my house then. There's something I should show you."

They looked at me confused but they nodded again.

"Are you going to explain yourself before or are you going to make us wait all day in suspense?"

I thought for a minute but then stopped because I made eye contact with none other than Alec. We kind of just stared at each other. It was weird. No glaring. Just eye contact. Finally, I focused back on my friends and they looked concerned but also smug, probably because of who I was staring at. Ugh.

"It has something to do with him and it's something you must keep a secret. If you don't promise me then I won't tell you.

"I promise."

"Me too."

"So do I!"

"Okay, good. Then the plan is intact, come over after school."

They all nodded and then the bell rang, saving me from more questions.

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