Ch. 10

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Alec's POV (the past night)

Today was so stressful. I had a lot of tests and on top of that, I kept having a terrible feeling. A feeling that Jace knows I kissed him last night. I don't know how he could have... he was asleep. Either way, I was exhausted when I got home so I laid around the living room and then went to bed early.

I was laying in the dark when Jace came in, "Alec?"

I didn't open my eyes, "Yeah?"

"You okay?"

I nodded, "Tired."

He didn't reply so I assume he nodded and a second later I felt the other side of the bed dip as he sat down and then laid down. I really want to be closer to him but it'd be weird if I moved towards him as soon as he lays down. Ugh.

After maybe ten minutes, for some reason I could not fall asleep, I felt Jace moving around. He must be restless too. After a few seconds of him being still, he started moving again and I almost gasped when I felt his chest against my back and then his arms wrap around my waist. He snuggled his face into the back of my neck and I swear to God I felt him smile. I am in heaven.

A huge smile made its way onto my face as I managed to fall asleep really fast in his arms.


I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear and feeling cold. I groaned quietly and pulled my blankets over my head but still didn't feel warm enough. In a second I realized what was missing. Jace. I threw the blankets off of me and sat up, looking over to see Jace stretching at the end of the bed with a smile on his face.

I hid my smile, "What're you so smiley about this early?"

His cheeks went red slightly as he looked at me, "No reason."

I just shrugged and yawned before I got an idea.

"You spooned me in your sleep last night."

His face went a deeper shade of red as he stood up and walked to the door, "I wasn't asleep."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wha-?"

The door closed as he left, cutting me off.

He was awake? Why would he cuddle me if he was awake?

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag and went downstairs in hopes of being able to talk to him about... whatever the hell he just told me. But Jenny and Jazzy were in the kitchen eating breakfast with him.

I internally sighed as I sat at my usual spot at the table, across from Jace, "Good morning."

Jazzy smiled at me, "Good morning!"

I smiled back at her, "You're nice and happy today."

She nodded, "Mommy told me we are going to the store to get sweets today!"

"Ooh, what kind of sweets?"

I looked at Jace and he looked really excited all of a sudden. I smiled at how childish he is.

"Anything we feel like getting, want to make any recommendation, boys?"

"Yes! Dove chocolate, sour gummy worms, ferrero rochers, gummy bears, and chocolate chip cookies."

His mom gave him a look which made him sigh, "Fine... gummy bears and chocolate chip cookies."

She nodded then looked at me, "Anything you would like?"

I looked at Jace then at Jenny and smiled, "Sour gummy worms and ferrero rochers, please."

She smiled, "You don't have to say that, you can choose what you want."

I shook my head, "They're for me. I may or may not share with Jace."

He huffed but then looked at me pleadingly, "Please?"

Jenny laughed, "Well they're on my list. You boys fight it out amongst yourselves if you share or not. You better get to school though!"

"Shoot, yeah."

As Jace and I walked out of the house, he nudged me, "Is it just a coincidence you wanted the same things I did?"

I smirked, "Maybe, maybe not."

He huffed again, his face going red, which made me laugh. He's so adorable.


Jace's POV

I sighed as I faced my friends in the cafeteria, "I'm gonna do it."

They looked at me confused, "Do what?"

"I'm going to... I'm going to tell him how I feel."

Riley and Grace squealed while Dallas smiled and patted me on the back, "About damn time."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up. I'm surprised I'm even doing this."

"We're really proud of you, Jace!"

"Thanks, Grace. I'm scared shitless."

Dallas rolled his eyes, "You know he likes you back."


I glared at Dallas for a second then looked at Riley and Grace, "He's just being stupid. I know you guys have told me he likes me back but I'm not so sure. I'll tell him anyway..."

"He likes you, there's nothing to be scared about!"

I shrugged.

I have a plan for how I'm going to tell him but I'm scared. Like... super scared. Even though I know he likes me. He confessed and kissed me. But still.


I walked into Alec's room after knocking lightly and found him laying on his back in the dark. I purposely came in a little late so he'd be laying down already. Time to put my plan into action... oh Lord.

I walked around to the open side of the bed and I sat down. I kind of just looked at him for a while. He's so handsome. Ugh. Focus! I took a quiet deep breath and scooted closer to him. His arms we're rested on his torso so I grabbed his left wrist lightly, the one that was closest to me, and I laid it out towards the other side of the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at me confused but didn't move. I then got under the blankets and laid down so my head was resting on his shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him. He then put his arm that I moved against my back. After a few seconds, his intense stare scared me so I moved my head on his chest over his heart. Listening to his heartbeat calmed me down. The steady rhythm and beat under my ear.

Suddenly feeling my bravery come back, I took a deep breath and spoke, "I like you."

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