Ch. 14

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Jace's POV

She smiled softly, "It's okay if you do. You aren't related by blood. I've just seen the little looks you guys give each other and how you blush when he looks at you."

My face flared red, "Mom..."

She laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm not meaning to tease you. So?"

I looked down at my feet and nodded.

She hugged me, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, sweety. You won't be disowned by me or yelled at by Paul. It's okay."

I hugged her back, "Thank you."

She pulled away and smiled at me, "You're welcome. But no sex until you've been together for at least sixth months, and use protection when you do."

I groaned, "Mom, stop."

She laughed, "That time I was teasing you. Okay, go on to bed. It's getting late."

I nodded and went upstairs to change and then went back down to the couch. When I walked into the living room, I saw Alec sitting on the couch.

"Um hi?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Hey. I just wanted to say good night."

I smiled lightly as he stood up and walked over to me and put his hand on my cheek, "Good night."

He leaned in for a kiss but I pulled away, "I'm still keeping my distance for one, and for two we're in the living room."

He pouted, "But our parents are fine if we're together."

"How do you know?"

He smiled, "I heard what your mom said to you."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course."

He laughed and stole a quick kiss, making me smack him playfully, "You make it so hard to stay away from you, you know?"

He smiled, "That's the goal."

I rolled my eyes and went over to the couch and laid down, "Good night, Alec."

He just smiled one last time and went upstairs to his room. My room should be done in a week or two so I'm still on the couch right now. It's fine though. I wish I was still sharing a bed with Alec... I loved waking up close to him and snuggled up against him. But I need to remain strong! He can't get the idea that I'm easy to get... even though I am. Ugh.


Alec's POV

"Hey, Alec?"

I looked up from my homework and at Jay, "Yeah?"

Right now I'm doing homework with my friends at the library after school because we're all kind of behind so we need a good place to work.

"We were all wondering this. So you know when Kira came up to you at lunch?"

I nodded, shivering at the gross memory.

"Well, you said you already love someone. Who is she? You never mentioned liking anyone."

I know I need to tell them... now or never, right?

I put my pencil down, "Actually it's not a she."

They all looked at me with wide eyes and open mouths which made me laugh, "Put your hands up and you'll look like The Scream."

"What do you mean it isn't a she?" Mike asked incredulously.

I picked my pencil back up and casually worked on my homework, "I mean, I love a boy."

Liam exclaimed quietly, "Hey, don't act so casual! We didn't know you're gay."

"I'm not, I just like him."

"Well he is a guy, " Jay added smartly.

I rolled my eyes but didn't make a comment.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know if I should say. But I did look at him as I said that."

They were all silent as they thought back to that day. It was maybe five seconds before I heard the first gasp, then the next two a few seconds after.

"Jace??" They all whisper-screamed.

I laughed a little, "That was faster than I expected."

"I heard rumors but I didn't think it was true!"

I looked up, "What rumors?"

"Well apparently other people noticed right away and people have been spreading that you're dating Jace and that's why you haven't been ripping each others' heads off lately."

I rolled my eyes, "We aren't dating."


"I was going to ask him and then found out he saw Kira kissing me. He ignored me for a week and he's still acting closed off around me."

"He likes you too?"

I nodded.

They all smirked at me and then began belting out, "Alec and Jace sitting in a tree K-I-S-!"

"Boys be quiet or I will kick you out!" The librarian said sternly to them, making me laugh quietly.

"So how long have you liked him?"

I shrugged, "Since soon after he moved in honestly. I gave him a chance for once and I got to see the real him. He's a nice person. And very attractive. He's the only guy I've ever found attractive. Which is why I say I'm not gay because he's the only boy I like."

They nodded, "Makes sense. When did you find out he likes you?"

"The day before Kira kissed me."


"I know right."

"If only she took your offer to ask me to go over to her house. I would have said yes."

Mike rolled his eyes and shoved Jay, "Shut the hell up. You'd end up getting HIV."

He just shrugged which made all of us laugh.

"So when are you gonna make him yours? Officially?"

I looked at Liam and shrugged, "I want to right now but even though he likes me I know he'll probably say no because he's keeping his distance. He doesn't want to get hurt which I understand. So for now I'll have to be patient."

"Ah that kind of sucks."

"Yeah, but we have your back bro."

I smiled, "Thanks, guys."

I like being honest with my friends. I never thought they'd be homophobic so I don't know why I didn't tell them before but oh well. They know now and Jace is slowly opening back up to me. He can't stay away for long. Life is looking up again.

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