Chapter 10

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Lou Yuan picked up an iron box from the side and opened it. It did not contain any condiments, but a blood-red mutant plant. This was one of the two mutant plants brought back by Xiong Kun and Lang Yanjing this evening. They set out early last night and brought back the mutant plants back before dark today.

Lou Yuan tore two leaves and threw them into the broth. This small part should be worth tens of thousands, enough for the average person to spend on food and drink for a year.

Lou Yuan saw the shock on Shi Lingxi’s face and tried to explain, “The mutant plants had been brought back. I decided to leave you two leaves, and the remaining reward will be changed into crystal points for you tomorrow.”

Lou Yuan naturally didn’t want to take advantage of Shi Lingxi. He will not only pay for the two maps Shi Lingxi provided but will also return the crystal nucleus obtained from Shi Lingxi’s hunting two days ago. Tomorrow, he will calculate it back together, and the reward distribution will be based on the way he treats his team members.

Shi Lingxi slightly nodded. He could understand Lou yuan’s meaning, but he wasn’t shocked because of this, but Lou yuan’s actions just now… What a loss! How can a mutant plant be used like this?

Mutant plants were also added to the meat sausages they had eaten before, but at that time, the effect was diluted tens of thousands of times that it was almost negligible. Now it was not. This was two whole leaves!

“Have you ever chewed them directly before…?” Shi Lingxi’s voice drifted off as he frowned disapprovingly, “Haven’t anyone made a potion for you? The strength of these plants should be diluted in some way, or the body will not be able to bear it.”

Shi Lingxi obviously had experience in this field. He had also seen the scene of strange plants being chewed by ability users. Their whole body would be red, itchy and uncomfortable. Some would also have a strong impulse for self-harm. Although eating it could sharpen the mental strength to some extent, the overall result is unsatisfactory. 

Usually, these plants are taken to break through the bottleneck in later stages. In front of the temptation for power, some people will try again and again despite the hardships. For strong powers like Lou Yuan, these plants are indispensable, but it is certainly uncomfortable. 

Lou Yuan added the mutant plant to the soup to dilute it, and at the same time, he wanted to lay a solid foundation for Shi Lingxi. However, it was obvious that his rude way of handling the plants bothered Shi Lingxi very much.

“There should be related research projects in the research center, but mutant plants are rare, and they will be used up soon, so there won’t be too many left for research.”

The more important fact was that mutant plants were not similar to traditional Chinese medicine that could be mass-produced. Every time a different formula was required, it didn’t seem that necessary to spend so much time on research. In addition, the brain drain was very serious after the end of the world, even Beicheng base was no exception. There weren’t enough people for all projects, so there won’t be too many people who would be solely focused on it.

Shi Lingxi nodded and stared at the mutant plant Lou yuan had collected. He hesitated for a moment then said, “If you’re willing to believe me, don’t use it for the time being. After I officially join, I will make potions that can be used. How about it? “

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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