12. In which everything goes awry

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The next few hours had passed by in a blur. Asterin and Alexander had received a brief text from Lis explaining the situation and had immediately headed to join her at the hospital. Alexander had gone off to talk to the paramedics that had taken James in charge in the first place. Asterin was now currently sitting on a bench in the corridor in which James's room was while Lis was pacing in deep worry. Much to Lis' dismay, they were not allowed to get any closer.

"I understand you are restless Lis, but please sit down. All this pacing is only going to tire you and I am certain you will want to be full of energy when James wakes up," Black said patting the spot next to her on the bench. Blythe stopped abruptly in front of Asterin, in a small voice she whispered.

"That's the thing... What if he doesn't..."

Asterin sighed and got up and gently pulled down her friend to sit.

"He will wake up. That boy is not going down before seeing calling you Lizzy B or whatever silly nickname he has in store for you. Besides, you heard what the doctor said : he was brought here in time, and that is thanks to you."

She practically fell on the seat, her shoulders slouched and her head hanging down in exhaustion.

"This is all my fault... I'm the one who asked him to help. I'm the one who involved him in this. I'm the one who put a target on his back. I'm the reason that bloody psychopath got to him."

"Elisabeth Blythe, don't you dare blame yourself. In no way are you responsible for a deranged serial killer's actions. And James will tell you the same thing when he wakes up !"

"I'm just... So done with this. So done with walking into places only to found a loved one, bleeding out on the floor."

Asterin's eyes softened and for once she took her friend's hand in her own and squeezed it lightly. "James will get through this. I promise."

Slowly and in silence Lis started crying, holding Asterin's hand in her own. Asterin did not know what to say, so she said nothing. The girl awkwardly put an arm around her friend and brought her closer.

"His condition is stable, he's not awake yet and I don't think he will be until at least tomorrow. There is no reason for you three to spend the night here. Detective Blythe, I have your number, we'll call you if we have any update." Elisabeth nodded, only half in phase with what was happening. Once the doctor had left the room she turned to Thornhood. "Could you drive me back to James' apartment ? I left my bike there and I really want to go back home."

"Of course." Alexander nodded, before looking over to Asterin. "It's pretty late, do you want a ride home ?"

The woman's eyes hardened as they set on him.

"No thank you, I will take the Tube," she said dryly and turned towards Lis. She pulled out the bagels from her bag and stuffed them into her friend's hands. "You eat that. You will feel better. Text me when you get home and feel free to call me at any time of the night if you need to talk, alright ?" she said in a much softer voice.

"I...Okay. Sure. If not, I'll see you tomorrow at the precinct. If you see Benji before I do, could you ask him how the bust went ?"

Asterin nodded. "I will. Be careful on the road !" she added as she left Alexander and Lis alone.

Elisabeth felt the very strong urge to fill the overwhelming silence that washed over the car. Right now, she needed the sound of a human voice.

"Thanks for giving me a ride."

Alexander smile slightly. "It is only natural, Elisabeth. Friends help out each other." They arrived at a red light and he looked over to her. "Are you okay ? You don't have to answer if you don't want too," he added swiftly.

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