19. The Beginning of the End

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"Someone found out what we'd done and ratted us out. We were ambushed one day when I was walking him back to his place, five men, one with a gun. We were holding our own pretty well for a while but the man shot... It should have hit me right there," she pointed at her heart, "but James grabbed me and pulled me behind him. He received the bullet straight in the shoulder. Eventually I took down the others, went to the hospital for James and called the precinct. We took down almost the entirety of his father's gangs and James was put under Witness Protection Program. After that we stayed in contact and he became my regular informant for any and all things related to gangs. We also box together."

"And flirt." Asterin raised an eyebrow. "Quite a lot. But you are in denial."

"He took a bullet for you ? Oh my God that's so romantic ! I need a delinquent boyfriend as well !"

Alexander frowned. "Aren't you going to be the delinquent of the relationship ? You know, being a thief and all ?"

"Okay first of all : Selwyn I have known you for a day and a half and I have decide I like you and wish to protect you so I will do everything in my power so you don't have a delinquent boyfriend. I will also attempt to make sure you are no longer a delinquent," Lis intervened, "Second of all : I'm not in denial. I know James flirts. A lot. Believe me, I've seen him tease more girls than I can count."

Asterin rolled her eyes. "Not anymore. And it is different with you. He genuinely likes you and you are so oblivious to not realize it that I sometimes want to shoot myself."

"Oh I'm sorry, which one out of the two of us had to literally be locked in a room to realise how she was feeling and learn to deal with the aforementioned feelings ?"

Asterin instantly glared daggers at Lis but she could already feel her face heat up. She did not even dare look at Alexander which she already knew was smirking. She took a sip of her drink to compose herself. "You are deflecting. And you are bad at it." she mumbled.

"We are both aware that we train in the art of deflecting anytime we talk together. And sometimes, it works."

Aramith clapped her hands as if she just discovered the origin of the universe. "Oh, so that's what happened before going to my hideout !"

"Exactly. I locked the two idiots in the same room because I was afraid the unspoken sexual tension would kill me. I am quite proud of myself."

"Not that I'm complaining." Alexander whispered in Asterin's ear and she smacked his arm.

"You're such a badass ! If not for you already having a boyfriend, I would totally date you !" She winked playfully at Lis.

Elisabeth smiled at the woman's drunken attempt at flirting. "I'm flattered. But I don't have a boyfriend..."

"Yet..." Asterin added.

Alexander laughed loudly. "Well, looks like there is already quite a little group rooting for you," he said to Lis.

"My god ! You people are worse than my mother. Are you all really this worried that I'll end up an old maid ? Because honestly at this pace I just might stay single for the rest of my life." Her eyes widened and she took a large gulp of scotch.

Aramith put her hand on her heart, scandalized. "Don't you dare !"

Asterin leaned back in her chair. "Honestly, I could not care less that you end up as an old maid. I just think you and James should date because you like each other."

"That's the big question isn't it ? Do I like him ?"

Asterin considered banging her head against the table. "Of course you do, you idiot !"

Asterin rolled her eyes so hard it actually hurt. She could not believe that Lis thought that she was the oblivious one.

"Well, what if I came into his room and kissed him, how would you react? And," Aramith laughed, "yeah, I'm pretty sure he likes you from what y'all have told me."

"You are not kissing anyone ! Ever heard about consent ? You don't even know where he lives."

Asterin smiled a bit and Alexander burst out laughing. He was wiping a tear in the corner of his eye when Asterin's phone began ringing. She glanced at the caller's ID and her smile froze.

Lis put a hand on Asterin's shoulder. "Take a break chuckaboo, you should answer, don't worry I'll watch over Selwyn."

Asterin smiled gratefully at her friend and hopped off her chair to head out of the bar. It was cold outside and Asterin regretted not taking her coat with her as she shuddered. Black breathed in deeply before accepting the call.

"Orion." she said by way of greeting.

"Hello, little sister."

"Is there a particular reason to your call ? Where are you ? Are you high ?" she bombarded him with a frown.

She heard her brother exhaling on the other end of the phone. "No, Asterin, I am not high. And I am at the rehab center. I have been since I was released."

"Then why are you calling ?" she asked.

"Because I knew you would answer. At least to yell at me about getting suspected of butchering people."

Asterin leaned on the cold wall, staring at the the silent street.

"Yes. You cost me quite a bit, you know ?" she said quietly as a giggling couple walked passed her.

Orion kept silent for so long that Asterin did not think he would reply. After a moment however, he finally answered.

"What do you want me to say ?" he said angrily. "That I am sorry ? That I regret ?"

Asterin sighed and passed a hand over her face. " Well, I wouldn't mind an apology but I do not actually expect one, Orion. I think we are way past that. What I want to know the real reason as to why you are calling."

Orion swore loudly. "I told you last time I called." He was definitely annoyed but there was something in his toned that sounded almost a little desperate. "You're the only one I have left."

"What about father ?" Asterin said, shuddering again in the cold wind.

"Yeah, like he'd help. He never was very caring, now was he ?" Orion scoffed.

"Is that what you want ? Help ?"

There was a pause.

"Yes." her brother said in a low voice, as if he didn't want her to hear.

Asterin stared ahead as a car passed, its headlights flashing through the night. She could hear Orion's shaky breathing. How long had it been since his last dose ? She considered asking him for a moment before realizing she did not care.

"There are rules in my apartment. We split chores and you better be organized because I do not tolerate messiness. No smoking inside and obviously you have to stay clean. We will visit the rehabilitation center once a week to make sure that you are. And you better try your hardest, Orion, because I will accept no less." she finally said.

She heard him draw in a sharp breath and releasing a small incredulous and relieved laugh.

"You're serious ? You really mean this ?"

Asterin rolled her eyes. "No, I like saying useless things. It is very fulfilling."

"Thank you." he said quietly.

Asterin threw a glance through the pub's showcase to see Alexander and Lis chuckle at something Selwyn said.

"I will pick you up tomorrow around eight a clock. See you then." she declared.

"Wait, Asterin !" her brother called out.

"Yes ?"

"I am sorry, you know."

Asterin smiled a bit sadly. "Yes, so am I." she replied before hanging up.

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