18. Background, cartels and stab wounds

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Elisabeth stepped into the pub, leather jacket thrown over her shoulder and helmet under her arm. Asterin, Alexander and Selwyn were sitting at the bar already, different drinks in hand chatting merrily. Well, Selwyn was doing most of the talking but Asterin seemed surprisingly calm. The three noticed her entry and greeted her accordingly : Selwyn with a grand gesture of the hand, Alexander with a bright smile and Asterin with a nod. She sat on the stool they had left free in between the two girls.

"Hey guys, what did I miss ?"

Asterin took a sip of her drink. "Nothing much. Selwyn was telling us about the time she mugged some girl from a television show she likes. Or something along those lines." Asterin said, tipping her head slightly, a small smile drawing itself on her lips when she heard Aramith's protest. Black threw a mocking glance her way and turned to Lis to whisper. "The show is awful."

"Hey !" Alexander nudged her with his elbow. "It's not so bad. I liked it."

Asterin rolled her eyes and twirled her drink in its glass. "Of course you did."

Elisabeth smirked as she took a sip of the glass of scotch the bartender had just brought her, she hadn't even needed to ask, which she guessed meant she was considered a regular now.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't watched anything in ages." She put up a thoughtful finger. "Wait no, I have watched a movie on streaming like three months ago. But that's it. And it wasn't even a satisfying watch, it was a terrible adaptation from a book."

"Yes they usually are." Asterin nodded before resting her chin in her hand. "How is your Jamesie boy ? »

"My Jamesie boy as you put it, is of status unknown. He's supposed to call me tonight to update on his health."

Asterin let a smirk slip on her face. "Ah. I see. He has not tried to call you yet ?"

"No, the idiot seems to really like calling me late at night. It's an infuriating habit."

"Maybe he is trying to make you long for him," she replied teasingly and Alexander snickered.

Lis rolled her eyes and took another sip of alcohol. "Well if that is his goal I hope he knows it's a terrible way to attain it."

"Liar." Asterin whispered under her breath.

"First of all, I heard you. Second of all I will let you know I am by no means criticising his goal, merely the way he means to attain it." She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Hey, Lis, who's that Jamesie boy of yours ? Never heard of him," Aramith raised an eyebrow, a glass of whisky in one hand and the other holding up her head. "You wouldn't mind telling me a lil' more, would ya ?"

Elisabeth smiled and stared off in the distance for a few seconds before answering. "I don't know. James is very confusing most of the times. It's hard to explain without the whole backstory but I doubt you'd want to hear it."

"Bold of you to assume that I wouldn't. So, what's the tea ?"

"You want the short version or the long version ? Because I tell you, the long version is long ."

"What do you mean by long ? Like, long long, or long we're gonna stay the whole night in this bar ?"

"Like I said, depends on how much you want to hear. Do you just want to know how we met and a bit after that, the full time period in which we met or go the extra step - which I doubt you want - and have from when we met until now. I personally don't mind staying here all night, I could drink you three under the table."

"I wanna know... Everything. Barman? Another drink. The night's gonna be hella long !"

"Okay then, but don't come complaining if it's too long for your taste."

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