Chapter 8

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All around us, the fence started to rattle and shake as the eaters slammed up against it and began to climb. Yeah, the top of the gate was surrounded with barbed wire, but I doubted that the wire would stop a bunch of hungry dead things.

Dylan, still in shock from being bitten by one of the corpses, just sat on the ground near the warehouse's back door. He turned as white as a sheet of paper, and he was sweating like crazy. Dylan kept mumbling something to himself, but I could hear what the hell he was saying.

The first of the stenches made it to the top of the gate. The dead thing pulled itself up and the strands of barbed wire cut into the undead man's face. He didn't really seem to mind, however as he just kept climbing. The dead guy reached over to the other side of the fence and flipped over the gate, landing back-first into the parking lot.

"Oh fuck," Maurice muttered.

"I got this," I said. I ran up to the dead guy, he sat up and tried to grab me by my right leg, but I kicked him back and drove the blade of my axe across his forehead. That was one down, didn't know how many more to go.

Mick hurried to the front of the building, "There's more coming this way!" He yelled. I really wish he hadn't screamed as the dead things on the outside of the warehouse heard Mick's yell.

Another dead thing had climbed to the top of the fence and she was trying to maneuver over the barbed wire.

"We have to get back inside," Maurice said. He grabbed Dylan and tried to pull him back into the warehouse.

Dylan pulled away from Maurice and ran across the back of the lot, "No! Stay away!" Once again with the damn screaming. I'm just gonna put neon signs up so the dead things from far and wide know that there's a fresh meal waiting for them in the warehouse. Shit.

"Dylan, be quiet," Carla pleaded.

The undead woman tumbled over the top of the gate and got to her feet. She was wearing blue sweat pants and a plain gray t shirt and was barefoot. She ran right towards Dylan.

Dylan held his hands out in front of him, "Stay back! Get away!" He yelled at the biter. She didn't listen.

The corpse grabbed both of Dylan's hands and then bit down onto the left one, taking a few fingers away with her. Dylan bellowed out in pain as the undead creature then dragged Dylan to the ground and sunk her teeth into the front of his throat. Dylan kicked and screamed as the biter continued to rip away at his neck and chest.

Maurice ran to try and help Dylan, but Mick and Philip stopped him. "Dylan's fucked. Just get inside," Phil said.

"No, we have to help," Maurice protested.

Cynthia pointed towards Dylan, his legs weren't moving and he wasn't making a sound. "He's gone. We have to get out of sight. now!"

Maurice relented and we all hurried back into the warehouse as a few more undead creatures made it over the top of the fence and were falling down inside of the lot.

Carla closed and locked the back door of the warehouse. Mick did the same to the front door and sliding garage door.

"Reid, help me with these boxes," Carla said. The two of us pushed a large, heavy stack of cardboard in front of the back door to keep the dead things at bay.

"What about the windows out front?" Angie asked the group.

"Just get low and stay out of sight," Maurice said.

And that's what we did. We all dropped to the ground and hid behind the various stacks of cardboard and listened to the dead things outside. It sounded like they had the entire building surrounded. Some of the creatures were pounding on the back door and were trying to get inside the warehouse.

The Rot: Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant