Chapter 23

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 Cynthia started across the backyard, knife out, and ready to go and kill Carter.

"Cyn, get back here," I whispered.

"What?" Cyn asked me.

"Think, Cyn. We don't know what we could be walking into."

"Like booby traps or something?"

"Yeah. It is Carter after all. And you just said 'booby.'"

Cynthia rolled her eyes at me and sighed.

"We should go back and tell the others that we know where Carter is," Janice suggested. "And then plan our next moves."

"But he's right there," Cyn replied. "We can do this."

"You're not hearing a word I'm saying here, are you?" I asked Cynthia. "Don't worry, it's not the first time you've ignored me."

Cynthia took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. "Okay. Okay. Got a little excited there, sorry. Can we at least sneak up there to his place and check out the house? See what we're up against?""

Janice and I looked at one another. "Let's just get back to the office and tell the rest of the group," said Janice.

"Just really quick," Cyn pleaded with Janice and I.

I looked around the side of the house, over towards Carter's little hideout. We could go from yard to yard easily as we had no privacy fences to deal with. Just chain link.

"Maybe if we got into the yard that's next to Carter's house," I told Cyn and Janice. "We'd be able to scout Carter's hideout."

"Okay," Cyn replied.

Janice was still hesitant, however, so I said, "Janice, you could wait back here if you'd like."

"No. I'll come along," Janice replied.

"Let's go," Cyn said.

"All right. Let's be quiet though," I whispered to the ladies.

Carter's place was only three more houses down from us. But, we had to be as quiet as possible in getting there. One by one, we each climbed the fences until the three of us were hiding out in the yard next to Carter's place.

Before we did anything, I made sure that the house we were hiding behind wasn't holding any stenches. I snuck up to the home and tried to peer into the building. There weren't any biters in the kitchen, I could tell that much. The back door was wide open, but the storm door was locked.

"What do you see, Reid?" Janice whispered.

"There's a note on the fridge," I replied. "It says, 'Dear Lauren, we waited for you as long as possible. Went to Chloe's place. It's safer. Love, E.'" I didn't know who these people were, but I hoped that they were okay. They did leave a nice note behind after all. Rather courteous if I do say so myself.

Looking towards Carter's place, the house was completely dark. It looked like Carter had strung up some towels in a few of the windows. We couldn't see inside at all.

"Dammit," Cynthia sighed out of frustration. "I saw that fucker go in there."

Well, I sure as hell wasn't about to go up and knock.

"The backyard doesn't look like it's rigged with traps or anything but I still don't think we should go up to the place just yet. Let's get back to the office so we can plan our next moves," Janice whispered.

"I'm with that," I replied.

To mine and Janice's shock, Cyn said, "Me too."

"Whoa, really?"

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