Chapter 9

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 It wasn't a difficult decision for me to make, sticking around the warehouse that is. I mean, what other options did I have? Go back to the apartments by myself? I'm sure Cynthia would like that actually, but if I left, she wouldn't have anyone around to irritate the piss out of her. So staying at the warehouse it was. However, a bigger group meant having to gather more supplies.

After Maurice informed the others that we'd all be staying, we started to talk about where we should go for more food and whatnot.

"Before we go any further, is there anything you guys need to get from your apartment?" Maurice asked us.

Ang, Cyn, and I thought about it for a while. "There is that food. Maybe we should go get it?" I suggested.

"How much is there really?" Angie wondered. "Do we really want to risk life and limb for a couple loafs of bread and stale ass cookies?"

"Depends on the cookies."


"We have to go back to the apartments anyways," Cynthia said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Duffel bag and backpack, remember?"

"Oh yeah. While we're there we might as well get what's left of the supplies."

"Okay, but we still need to think of a place to go for food," said Phil.

"Yeah, because the grocery store sure went tits up," I said.

"Reid, there are ladies present," Carla told me.

"Carla? We hear you and Philip going at it like nasty pigs almost every night. And you are a dirty talker," Mick replied. "And a loud one at that."

Carla began to blush. Phil looked at her, "You really are, Carla."

"We really needed to know that," Cyn said dryly. "Can we get back to planning?"

"Exactly," said Maurice.

"We just have to find someplace that would have a decent amount of food," I told the group. "There's got to be another grocery store around the area."

"Wait a minute, what about a restaurant?" Angie suggested to us. "Like a fast food joint or a diner."

"Hey, that could work," Maurice replied.

Cynthia nudged Ang on the arm. "Not bad, sis."

"There's a bar not too far from here," Mick said.

Both Cyn and Ang knew where Mick was talking about. "A restaurant called Dan's place?"

Mick nodded. "That's the one."

"It was a sports bar, wasn't it?" Maurice wondered.


"Think we should give the place a look?" I asked the group. I didn't know where they were talking about so I asked, "What's the place look like?"

"Small brick building, few little windows," Mick answered. "Nothing special."

"It's still pretty early, who wants to go check the place out with me?" Maurice asked all of us.

"I'll go," I said.

"Me too," Cyn added.

"So will I," Janice volunteered.

"Feel like driving us, Mick?" Maurice asked.

"I just got finished cleaning up rotten brain matter. Fuck that shit," Mick replied. I guess that's was Mick's way of politely saying 'no.'

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