Chapter 18

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"What do you mean I have to go with Dalton?" She seemed very, what's the word, questiony about this situation. Her and Dalton have never really spoken unless she was trying to get into my life forcefully before she made her realization. He didn't get the best impression of her, so the trip for them might be a little bumpy. Maybe it might not be such a good idea, oh well. He is the only person I know who doesn't have a mate that is appropriate for her to go with.

"I mean that you will have to travel far and wide to find your true love!" I exclaimed this statement in a high pitched voice and fluttering eyes. She giggled and lightly punched me on the shoulder. I finally told her "He is the only guy that I know that is appropriate enough to go with you to search for your mate. And honestly, he is the only guy I trust enough to not hit on you. He is very respectful of everyone. Just don't try to mess with him, okay? He can get a little temper when he is fooled. Sadly, since we can't find his mate he never had anyone to help him with his problem. When we tried, when you were still at your parents house, to help him yet he put at least a bruise on everyone. We had to lock him in his room until he could calm down. I hope you two will get along, at least for my sake." She looked a little miffed at the way I mentioned her parents yet it quickly passed and she laughed softly at the 'my sake' part of my mini speech. 

She smiles at how sweet I am. I got to admit I can be sweet when I want to, but I have to be tough. I hate how I have to be so tough and difficult, but otherwise people might try to out power me. In my pack you can't take the position of the alpha at all, but they can take advantage of you and your powers in your authority. No one has even tried that yet and if they do I will not hesitate to punish them. 

"He is packing the car right now. Take clothes for the few week period and go meet him in about 10 minutes. If you don't mind I have a predicament of my own to deal with. I just hope that I can get her to trust me." Nicole got up and hugged me. It looked like she was about to cry. I hugged her back and felt her happiness as her smile was felt through my clothes burning into my warming heart. I love to know that I can help others and do something right in my life.

She pulls away and says "Thank you so much for helping and I hope that Rosaline will forgive you. Although, I hope that she makes you work for it. I think that she can be more braver if she wants to. She just needs someone to show she isn't gonna get punished for speaking her mind. Good luck." Nicole smiles and walks away out the door hopefully to find her own mate. 

I sigh and get up to go grab the key to get into the bathroom, but before I could the door opened slowly. My hands quickly shut the door as I rush over to her, enveloping her in a hug. She stands rigged for a few minutes until she finally relaxed and placed her head on my chest. I couldn't help, but smile because she is finally starting to get comfortable with me. This has been such a great day. First, Nicole gets off my back, Rosa made her first friend, Nicole will find her mate, hopefully, and then Rosa is beginning to feel more comfortable around me. I don't care if it takes years for her to get used to me, all I want is to be with my loving Rosa. 

The hug lasted at least 5 minutes and I could sense that Rosa wanted to stay and leave at the same time. I took that as a sign to pull away and pull her to sit on the bed with me. She looks at her hands in fear of what I could do. I tilt her head up to meet my eyes and I softly spoke "I promise to never hurt you, so please believe me. I only wish for you to love me like I love you. This might be overwhelming, but you don't have to love me right now, hell you don't even like me right now. As long as I know that you are safe with me that is all I need." I smile at her as she smiles a little then her eyes cast over with an unknown expression.

"I gotta get home. My parents will be worried. I forgot my phone at home so they won't be able to contact me. Can I just go home?" I know it is rude of me, but I had to look into her thoughts to make sure that she is telling the truth. I had the odd feeling that she wasn't being truthful.

"Please believe me. Please just let me go so you can go find someone better and more beautiful than me. Let me live a lonely life for the next few years until I die of starvation. Who would even care if I was gone. Well, Ryder might, but then he would get over me and live life with an amazing interesting perfect girl instead of someone as ugly unworthy and useless like me. Why is he looking at me like that? Oh gosh he is probably thinking of the best way to get rid of me without hurting my feelings. He just doesn't know that everyone beat him to it and that's why I am broken." I couldn't deal with it anymore. She is bullying herself into believing all those horrible things about herself. It was breaking my heart. I am making it my mission to make her feel better about herself and love me. 

"No, you can't go home. Look I know it is an invasion of your privacy, but I read your thoughts. I had a feeling that you were lying and you were. It broke my heart hearing how cruel you were to yourself and I would completely disagree. I am sorry that I invaded your space, but I am glad I did. You are gonna stay here with me from now on. I couldn't bare to think you out there alone in the oncoming winter that is approaching. Please I beg of you to agree to this. If I have to think of how you could die like in your thoughts it will break my heart to no end." I stare into her eyes and she sighs and lightly nods her head. I smiled so wide that I hugged her while muttering "Thank you. Thank you so much."

I pull away to see her looking into my confused. "If I am to stay here then where in the world am I gonna sleep?" I look at her dumbfounded by her sweet mind. Like hell if she will stay anywhere except right here in my arms. I smile back at her and whisper in her ear.

"You are gonna sleep in my room with me."

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