Chapter 32

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I smile at him and get out of bed anticipating for what is to come. I ask him, "You got everything ready right? The church is set up and you got the honeymoon suite ready?"

He smiles at me and pecks my head while saying, "Yes, everything is ready. All we need to do is pack our clothes. Actually, I will pack our clothes so you don't get any idea of where we are going. Why don't you go downstairs and grab some breakfast. I saw how little they fed you. Don't hold back while you eat. We got plenty of food to feed an entire army." I smile and head for the door when I stopped and retreated my steps.

Ryder gave me a confused look until I told him, "I almost greeted the pack in nothing, so don't you dare give me that look."

He smirked at me and said, "I oppose you greeting them like that, but I love it if you would greet me like that."

I laugh as I pat his chest and say, "Keep dreaming pup." 

He growled playfully at me. He picked me up around my waist, spun me around and said, "You should know by now I ain't a little pup. More like a full grown man, who is excited to be mating with my one true love very soon." I felt a small shiver rip through me as I force myself out of Ryder's arms and into the closet to grab my clothes. It seemed Ryder got his bags ready and none of mine. I'm guessing that he didn't want to give hints on where we were going by the certain clothes that were disappearing into the suitcase. I roll my eyes at the secrecy and got changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater with it saying I'm a lucky girl. I think Ryder got that as a joke because I will always be with him, so other people will get the message.

I walk out to see Ryder looking at his phone with a light smile. I sneak over and look over his shoulder to see a picture of me sleeping. I stay as quiet as possible and I watch him flip through other photos of me I had no idea that he took. One of them was him taking a selfie with me while I was dead asleep. He was kissing me on my nose and I had this small smile on my face. I jump in surprise as Ryder says, "I'm a werewolf and I know you are behind me. You know some of these are my screen savers on my phone , right?" 

I groan and mutter, "Please tell me you're lying. I look so bad in these photos."

He instantly turned around and looked me in the eyes while saying, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world. No matter what moment I catch my eyes on you you will always be the most spectacle thing in the world to me." I smile and peck him on the lips and retreat to the door to get out of the room. 

I hear him make a doggy whine and I say, "You are going to keep me hostage for 2 weeks. You can wait like a good trained puppy."

I heard him say something, but I shut the door before he could make a proper reply. I giggled a little and headed down the stairs to get some breakfast. The first thing I see is a bunch of little kids running rampage in the kitchen with 10 women, including Ryder's mother, chasing after 30 of these kids. When I come into the room the children immediately stopped and said in a creepy unison way, "Good morning Luna Rosaline." I smiled and waved my hand at them.

They went back to going rampage. I saw the women getting restless over the kids so I say, "Hey children," they immediately stopped and looked at me. I continue, "Can you guys calm down? It's getting a little restless with all of you running around. How about we sit at the table and have some breakfast? Would you guys be okay with that?" 

"They replied with a simple, "Yes Luna," and they headed for the living room to watch some cartoons until the food could come out. 

Ryder's mother comes up to me with a grateful smile and says, "Thank you so much. We have been trying to settle them down for breakfast for about 40 minutes. I am so glad to have you back." Ryder's mother engulf me in her arms as she squeezes the living day lights out of me. I try to hug her back, but it was difficult with her holding my arms to my side. 

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