Season 3: Episode 21

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| December 29th | Saturday Night |

~ Sam's POV ~

With the end of December approaching, I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had happened within the last month. The passing of time felt strange, because every day was a new challenge for Megan and me. We went back to work, we walked Charlie together, we cooked together, did laundry together, and we talked about trivial things, and not-so-trivial things like therapy. We mended, we bickered, we repaired, we retracted, and although we agreed to take it day-by-day, we still tried to plan for the future.

We had collectively decided to not return to Missouri for Christmas, which was a hard decision but felt necessary. We celebrated Megan's 26th birthday on the 27th, along with Shawn and Casey. Megan had wanted something simple, so she received a birthday dinner at one of her favorite restaurants. I continued therapy, and now had about two handfuls worth of sessions under my belt. Of course, Dr. Dupree and Megan could see the difference in myself more than I could, because change was gradual for me. I felt different, but I still had good days and bad days, the only difference was that there were more good days than bad now.

But as much good as I was experiencing, Megan had yet to wear her engagement ring since taking it off the night of Shawn's wedding.

I had never taken mine off, because I knew what I wanted. A promise was a promise, and even though I agreed not to rush Megan's decision making, I was beginning to feel anxious. It had been an entire month. I had been sober for a month. Done nothing but good for a month. So, what was causing her to remain hesitant?

Eventually, I snapped out of my head and continued making the bartenders' schedule for the new year. I was nearly done, but as my red pen crossed out Jade's name, I realized today was in fact her last. She was still moving to California, and Crossroads would be closed until January 2nd after tonight. I momentarily wondered how she felt before finishing up the schedule and exiting the office.

It was nearing closing time, and the bartenders and servers should be cleaning and getting ready to leave for the night. Then, out of nowhere, Chris, the owner and my boss, appeared.

"Sam, hey, are you staying for the party?" he wondered.


"It's Jade's last day and we're gonna throw her a little moving-away party after all the people leave and we clean up." He patted my back. "I think it would mean a lot to her if you stayed."

How had I missed the memo of an after party? I mean, don't get me wrong, I probably could get away with leaving, but it would certainly look rude to a lot of people other than Jade. Plus, I was the bar manager...

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Megan.

"Crossroads is having a little party before we close for the next few days. Promise I'll be home by midnight." Then I hit send.

After I texted Megan, I proceeded to help clean up and allowed the sound guy to put on some party music once our last patron left. We locked the doors, and everyone cheered, which was a surprise, but I just went along with it. Maybe this was tradition on the last day of the year for Crossroads.

Ty nudged me.

"Want me to make you a drink?" he wondered.

"No, I'm okay," I declined. "I'm not drinking anymore."

He sipped his own drink he had made and tilted his head.

"Any particular reason?"

"I've had issues with alcoholism," I confessed. "And it got me into a lot of trouble recently, so, I quit cold turkey."

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