Season 4: Episode 17

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| July 1st | Monday Morning |

~ Megan's POV ~

The first day of July in Florida is a hot one, but it's too pretty not to leave the passenger window rolled down for a few more minutes. I wonder what July has in store for us after a great month of June and hope it reaches my expectations. After officially getting married to Sam, things seemed to be aligning in our lives more and more, and it was something I couldn't ignore.

That's when I feel Sam's right hand slip into my left that sits on my lap. It pulls me out of my mind and brings my attention to her. She gives me a reassuring smile.

"You're really quiet," she says.

"Sorry," I apologize. "I'm just... happy."

She squeezes my hand. "Yeah? You're not nervous therapy is gonna ruin that?"

"No." I shake my head. "Couples therapy always benefits us."

Sam doesn't say anything else as she pulls into the familiar parking lot. We exit her car and she holds the door open for me to head in first. I blush as she follows me in, her hand gently landing on my back. Dr. Dupree is waiting for us as she calls us back to her office. When we're settled in, she starts the session.

"So, how has the first month of marriage been treating you two?" she asks.

Sam and I laugh, and she takes the lead while I sit back and listen.

"It's been... well, it's no different than before," Sam answers. "It's familiar and comfortable and... the only thing different is calling Megan my wife now."

"She's still getting the hang of it," I include with a laugh.

We boast about finally going through with it and how it feels natural and right, which is something I always believed would be true for us. Of course, I know marriage comes with a lot more responsibilities and we were still in the honeymoon phase of it all, but I felt ready to take on the challenges with Sam regardless.

"And what about Ava?" Dr. Dupree asks.

Suddenly, my heart constricts, and Sam reaches for my hand, sensing the tension.

"Well, we applied but..." Sam sighs. "We haven't heard anything."

"It's been weeks," I include.

Dr. Dupree leans back in her chair, but I can tell even she feels for us, although she's supposed to remain neutral. I don't know everything Sam has told her about Ava, but it's possible they've talked in detail about her and her situation. Sam and I both knew it was a long shot applying to adopt her, but maybe my expectations weren't as low as I thought. I mean, I at least expected a call back within a week of completing the process.

"Megan," Dr. Dupree addresses. "How are you feeling about it all?"

The image of Ava sitting in her desk engrossed in a book infiltrates my mind. It strikes a nerve and I take in a deep breath.

"Disappointed," I reveal.

"Disappointed in...?"

"Myself," I continue. "The system, the world, the unfairness of it all..." I hear Sam shift next to me. "I know Ava isn't the only child in need of a home but... it's just hard to move on from."

Sam takes in a deep breath next to me and suddenly I feel bad.

"But Sam..." I continue. "She's been so level-headed about it all. She reminds me that, regardless of the outcome, I did help her as much as I possibly could've."

The Everyday Adventures of Sam and Megan (GirlxGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora