Season 4: Episode 3

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| March 29th | Friday Night|

~ Sam's POV ~

The muffled sound of live music outside the office door made it hard to concentrate. I was reading over the application for a new hire that was coming in today for his first day of training. He would technically be Jade's replacement now that business was starting to pick up again.

NAME: Jamal Dane Johnson, Jr. (preferred to be called Dane)

DOB: 07/08/1992

As I read over his experience, it was clear he would be fine working here. He was pretty much a professional when you looked at how long he had been bartending. He was twenty-six, the same age as Megan...

I put his application away and figured there was nothing to worry about.

My phone lit up and my heart jumped, only to realize it wasn't a text from Megan. I had missed her before leaving for work, but she had warned me she would possibly be late due to Ava's guardian refusing to pick her up on time. I wondered how they were doing right about now.

There was a light knock on the door before Ty's head popped in.

"Hey, there's a guy here..." He shrugged. "Said he's supposed to be training today?"

I checked the time and realized he was early. That was always a good sign.

"Tell him I'll be right out," I said.

Ty just nodded and disappeared.

Without any more delay, I shut down the office and made my way to the front. I spotted Dane continuing to schmooze Ty who was opening the bar. They seemed to be hitting it off well, which was a relief.

Dane towered over the bar. He was at least six-foot, and had broad, muscular shoulders that were visible in his short-sleeved, cobalt-blue button-down which complimented his dark brown skin. He ran his hand over his neatly trimmed beard and said something funny that made Ty laugh. He looked professional, more professional than I probably looked, in my opinion. Dane oozed confidence, and when Ty nodded in my direction, his warm honey-brown eyes met mine.

"That's Sam, the bar manager," Ty introduced as I walked into their conversation.

Dane extended his hand and I took it, my hand practically disappearing into his. He shook softly.

"Nice to meet you," he greeted.

"Same," I answered with a smile. "Dane, is it?"

He beamed at the use of his preferred name.

"Yes, thank you."

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to be a bodyguard?" I joked.

"I'm too pretty to be a bodyguard," he countered.

Charming. This guy was quickly becoming my favorite. Sorry Ty, I apologized internally.

"So, I'm not gonna waste any time because it's likely we'll be super busy tonight." I walked and he followed. "I'm gonna show you where everything is."

"Sounds good to me."

I quickly gave him a tour and showed him everything he would possibly need to know before his first shift. He would basically be shadowing and bar-backing tonight but would likely be asked to make a few drinks regardless. There was no doubt that he would succeed regardless.

"I'm gonna let you shadow Ty since you two seem to have hit it off," I announced. "But you'll basically be bar-backing to kinda get the feel of being behind our bar."

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