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Wake up. Stretch. Shower. Dress. Teeth. Hair. Grab bag. Food.

"Have a good day! I love you!" Connor yelled after me as I left, per usual.

I climbed into my car, starting the engine and putting it into first gear. I was ready to leave, but then Angel and Mary ran outside. I sighed and went into neutral, waiting for them to climb in. Neither had passed their driving test yet, which means I have to drive them everyday. If they're late to my car, however, they have to walk.

"Morning, bro!" Angel beamed, sliding into the front seat.

"Morning." I mumbled back, finally pulling out of the drive.

They chatted amongst themselves as I switched the radio to classical, preparing mentally for what was about to come. Luckily, I was in the top set for all of my classes so I could avoid the goons who made my life a misery for most the day. After all, they didn't have the intelligence or determination to move up through the sets. The only time I couldn't avoid them was lunch and football practice. I sighed thinking about that...

I had played football for as long as I could remember- since I was really, really young. Currently, I played for the school team as a striker. That's where I receive the majority of my harassment. They really didn't want me on their team; they'd do anything to get me kicked off it. The only reason I had stuck around for so long was because I didn't want to let them win. Now? I was tired of it. I don't think 'winning' was worth it anymore.

"Earth to grumpy!" Angel sang, poking my side, "Have you got footie today?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Our practice is tomorrow, so we'll walk home today. Bye!"

Then they were gone. Angel and Mary have been inseparable for the last ten years. We all used to play football together, but once we grew past a certain age, the school insisted teams should be kept same sex only. I was plucked from my happy girls team and thrown to the lions in the testosterone-filled lockers of the boys football team.

I stayed sat in my car until the bell rang. I may be late, but at least I won't get a black eye before first period. I jogged through the corridors and into my first period, relaxing as I saw the class of people who simply ignored my existence. It was lonely, but it was much better than a class of people who wanted to end my existence. I fell into my usual seat and the teacher raised an eyebrow at me. She had warned me several times about being late to lessons.

I sat through the class patiently, staring at the digits written on a scrap receipt the entire time. I was nervous. Felix seemed nice, but I was scared. Putting myself out there- telling somebody about what's happening- it was all a bit too much for me. If I told somebody, it'll just make it worse. If I stay out of their way, they'll leave me alone. On the other hand, I'm lonely.

"Is that a guy's phone number? It says Felix." I heard whispers coming from behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder to see two girls whispering to each other, gawking at me. I recognised them as some of the team members girlfriends. I hastily put the piece of paper away and set my eyes to the front of the classroom, ignoring the whispers from behind. I shouldn't have been stupid enough to take that out in class.

The bell finally rang and I leapt up from my seat, dashing out the door before anyone else could and ducking into the school bathrooms. I dived into a stall and slid the lock shut, pulling my feet up off the bathroom floor. I usually waited in here while everyone made their way to their next class, to avoid the goons.

I was just about to stand and leave when the bathroom door swung open and somebody stood outside my stall. Sweat trickled down my neck from fear, but I held my breath; there's no way they could have seen me come into the stall. Another set of footsteps joined the first persons, followed by a lot of giggling and whispers. I furrowed my brows and tried to make out what they were saying.

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