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I eventually found Felix, stood talking to Angel, and I felt my mood darken further. Did he prefer her to me? She was the better twin, after all. He noticed me and his face broke out into a smile, waving me over. That made me feel a little better, so I pushed my idiotic thoughts aside.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked, leaving Angel at the counter.

"I-um... Will and I kissed, but a guy from school saw. He's here." I panicked, looking for any sign of Jimmy.

"Calm down. First of all, I'm happy you guys are getting along so well. Second of all, it's fine. We're all here for you. Will is like a friendly giant, but if somebody came near you he'd send them into tomorrow." Felix gave me a hug, calming me down.

I nodded. He was right. Jimmy was bigger than me, but Will was still bigger than him. I calmed myself down, ignoring Angel's worried gaze. I grabbed Felix's drink and gulped it down. Will walked into the kitchen, looking slightly hurt. I felt bad I had rushed off like that, so I walked over to meet him.

"I'm sorry for that, I saw this homophobic guy from school..." I began to explain.

"It's fine. I just thought you didn't like the kiss." Will cut me off, looking embarrassed.

"Far from it. I loved it." I assured him, taking a step closer.

I saw Angel and Felix giggle and slip off, giving us some privacy. Will leaned down to kiss me again and I relaxed into his touch, his arms wrapping around my waist again. I ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed me, enjoying him taking charge. I felt the counter dig into my back and he lifted me off the ground, sitting me on the counter. He stood between my legs as we made out, doing all of this without ever breaking the kiss.

I know he did it so that he didn't have to lean down to kiss me while I was on my tippy toes, but my heart was pounding so hard. It was hot. My slightly hazy mind was screaming for us to do more, which I was ignoring. He broke the kiss and trailed kisses down my neck, sucking lightly at the nape. He pulled away, still staying close to me as we both caught our breath.

"Wow." He whispered, "That's addictive."

I blushed and placed another soft peck on his lips, making him smile. I stayed sat on the counter for a while, Will stood between my legs as we chatted. I got to know a lot about him. He's scared of moths, he's also studying english- in a lot of the same classes as Felix- his favourite cuisine is Mexican and he plays rugby. We also made out a lot more, laughing and joking in-between.

I excused myself after a while to go to the bathroom and skipped off through the house, heading upstairs in search for it. Drunken teens were lining the stairs and hallways, several making out. I carefully stepped over them, looking at the multitude of doors. I tried one and quickly slammed it shut again as moans leaked out. Definitely not that room.

The next one I tried actually was the bathroom and I did my business before swinging the door open again. I was surprised to see a very, very drunk Jimmy Wellot stood there. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him, he was either drenched in it or he'd drank more than humanely possible. I stuttered over my words, looking for something to say. I had a bad feeling in my stomach.

He pushed me back into the bathroom and closed the door. I tried to push past him, but he was too heavy, even in his drunken state. I backed away from him as much as I could, but he came straight up to me. I prepared myself for a punch, closing my eyes and wincing. What I received, however, was a heavy weight on my chest and arms wrapping around me.

Confused, I looked down and saw that Jimmy was sobbing into my chest. He was clinging onto me for dear life, his sobs gut wrenching. I remained rigid, just stood there. What the hell was I supposed to do in this situation?

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