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After Will said that, I quickly scuttled out of his room and back down the corridor. I found Felix's room and darted in, surprising Felix. Falling backwards onto the bed, I groaned loudly. What the hell just happened? I told Felix what had happened, gushing about it.

"He likes youuu!" Felix teased.

"Does he?" I pouted, looking over at Felix who had the biggest grin on his face.

"I've never seen him act like that." Felix shrugged, planting himself and a plate of food next to me, "He must like you. I'll let you know if he mentions you."

"You're the best." I beamed at Felix, munching on veggie chicken nuggets, "Do you like anyone at the moment?"

"Well... There's this one guy." Felix smiled softly, leaning against the wall, "I don't think he's interested, though. I'll tell you more about him another day, you look tired."

I nodded and put my empty plate on the desk, using the bathroom to change into the jumper. I used a new toothbrush that Felix had spare, emerging from the bathroom in just my boxers and the jumper. Felix wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Somebody's in loveee." Felix teased.

I hushed Felix and climbed into bed next to him, my eyes feeling heavy. It wasn't long before I drifted to sleep and when I woke up again, it was to sunlight peeking through the curtains. I rolled over and laughed at Felix. He was cuddling into his pillow, drool spilling out of his mouth slightly. I reached over him for my phone and paled at the time. I had approximately ten minutes to get to my first class.

"Felix! I woke up late!" I gasped, leaping out of bed.

I grabbed my skinny jeans off the desk and pulled them on as quickly as I could. I ruffled my bed hair, pulling on socks as I gathered my stuff together. I hopped from foot to foot as I ran around, slipping on my shoes and bundling everything into my backpack simultaneously. Felix- still groggy and half asleep- waved me goodbye from bed and I gave him a quick side hug before running out the room and down the corridor, past several confused Uni students.

If I was late, the school would kill me since I'm already on thin ice right now. Plus, Mum wouldn't let me stay out on a school night again. I jogged across the green towards my car and practically leapt into it, flooring the accelerator. I'm pretty sure I was outside my lines when I parked at school, but I didn't care as I heard final bell ring. I sprinted through the main doors, down several corridors and into my classroom.

"You're late Mr. Williams." My teacher reprimanded me.

"Barely." I gasped, my heart pounding from the adrenaline and running so frantically.

My teacher rolled his eyes, but continued the lesson, making me sigh with relief. I let Felix know I made it by the skin of my teeth and that I would have to set an alarm next time. I relaxed in my chair and tried to flatten my crazy bed hair once again, to no avail. Guess I would be looking awful today.

At lunchtime, I found Angel hanging around outside with her girl group, who giggled when they saw me coming.

"Christ, what happened to you, Andy?" Mary laughed, looking me up and down.

"Rough morning?" Angel laughed, patting the space next to her for me to sit down.

What Angel and Mary didn't notice was how every one of their minions pulled a face when she did that, hoping I didn't sit with them because if I did, it would be social suicide for them. I rolled my eyes.

"Just proving I made it into school. At ease minions." I stalked off, sticking my hands deep in my pockets.

My knuckles looked particularly bad today since I didn't have any makeup to cover them. I was so deep in thought looking at them I hadn't noticed I had strolled off behind the school until it was too late. I glanced behind me and saw around eight goons stalking me, their faces pictures of anger. I gulped, the fear that had infiltrated every pore of my body for the last ten years seeping back in.

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