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        Seconds later, the screaming stopped, leaving (Y/n) shocked into silence as she listened for something. Anything to indicate what happened to Izuku. A sign of life hopefully. Maybe he was able to hang onto one of the window ledges below. But the roof was silent—excluding her heavy breathing—as her unrealistic thoughts stopped.

      The girl recoiled from the fence, slapping both hands over her mouth to muffle the intense pain she was feeling at the moment. She was too scared to look down and confirm her fear, so instead, the girl crouched down into a ball, curling into herself as shiny, hot tears fell from her irritated eyes.

     Meanwhile, Nanashi had stayed near the fence, eyes wider than plates as he replayed the scene in his head several times. The boy also had his arm outstretched, meaning to catch the kid, but was too late as he'd been so caught up in his own thoughts, that he didn't realize until the final seconds. The ghost looked to his female companion—who was too busy wallowing in despair that she wasn't aware of anything else—and frowned. His eyebrows knit together and he bit his lip as a face of concern dressed his features.

     The male was worried for both teens, especially the female, but didn't distress too much about the other. It was strange. He felt like he'd been in this scenario before but couldn't put a finger on it. Not that he had the time to. As the white haired ghost was stuck in his own world, he was pulled from it by a gasp. (Y/n)'s gasp. Looking to her, he noticed her focus was no longer in her own world, but now directed towards the gate, where he'd maneuvered himself to look back at. What he saw, shocked him greatly.

     It was Midoriya. Somehow the boy was..floating? Yes, the boy seemed to be levitating somehow, the wind swirling around his form, tossing around his hair and uniform as he was lifted above the fencing. Was it the awakening of a late quirk? An angel perhaps? The two weren't sure, but it definitely wasn't the work of Nanashi, who observed the miracle, astounded.

     (Y/n) didn't waste another second though, hopping to her feet and rushing under the boy, catching him as he was set down into her arms. The two fell into a one-sided embrace. One looking near hysterics, and the other unconscious. It then became clear that whatever happened, Izuku wasn't aware of as he'd passed out from shock. Nonetheless, the (s/t) girl clutched his limp form in her arms, sobbing into his messy hair as a string of relief passed through her.

     The moment was interrupted, however as a cold hand placed itself on top of (Y/n)'s warm one, jolting the girl from her state as she looked to the intruder with wide, teary eyes. (E/c) clashed with gold and (Y/n)'s breath was taken away. "Machigai..."

    And indeed it was. Squatting down in front of her was the ghost she'd grown familiar with, smiling wearily at her. She hadn't changed much since (Y/n) last saw her, minus her slightly more transparent figure. You'd be able to see the background behind her if you focused on it. The black haired girl flickered her eyes between her mortal friend and the boy she'd saved before parting her lips to ask, "This your boyfriend or something?"

   It was obvious she was trying to lighten up the situation a bit as her eyes softened at the two. (Y/n)'s (h/c) locks shook as she moved her head, responding, "No. Just a close friend." She smiled down at him, nearly breaking into tears again as he groaned, slowly gaining consciousness. Coincidentally, at that moment Machigai's figure began to waver, her transparency growing more obvious as she frowned, scoffing.

    "Well, that's my cue. Wish I could stay longer, but it seems my time is up," The taller girl muttered, seemingly upset as she stood, meeting Nanashi's gray eyes, who watched her cautiously. She raised her pale arms up in defense, backing away from the trio and to the fence, looking out to the distance. Scrunching her brows, an angered expression was set on the girl as she met eyes with someone. Waving one last goodbye at the trio, Machigai disappeared not a second later.

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