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"C'mon (Y/n), don't be stingy! Just a lick!"

"No, you have you're own- Ah! Stop, you're gonna' make me drop it!"

Izuku and Adelaide watched awkwardly from the sidelines as Ichigo begged (Y/n) for the rest of her ice-cream, the sticky treat dripping down its cone as the girl consistently dodged his frequent attacks to snatch it out of her hand.

While playing hookie, the teens had stopped at a nearby ice-cream stand on their way to the fair. As you could imagine, Ichigo had finished his rather fast, which leads us to the present. As the sun beamed down on the kids, Ichigo and (Y/n) edged closer and closer to the curb of the sidewalk, ignoring the somewhat busy street as they continued their little 'game'. Once more, Ichigo lunged at (Y/n), determined to take her treat, and once again, (Y/n) dodged him. As she took another step back, the girl tripped on the edge, slipping into the street as the trio watched in horror.

Landing on her back, the (h/c) haired girl dropped her (f/f) ice-cream, but that was the least of her concerns. The girl scrambled to get up once she caught sight of the gigantic truck speeding her way, honking as her eyes widened in fear. The girl sat, paralyzed in the middle of the street as the group screamed her name. "(Y/N)!"

As her eyes shut in what she thought was going to be her last moments, (Y/n) felt herself being lifted, flying several feet into the air as her breath was taken away. When she finally opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in the air, her friends below her,—staring up surprise—and Nanashi a few steps behind them. He gazed at her with his usual stoic expression, yet there was a hint of relief in his eyes as he held his hand up in the air, arm stretched out to where she floated.

As the truck drove under her, (Y/n) took the time to properly observe her surroundings. The wind moved her clothes and hair, and the girl felt strangely calm. She could see the familiar roof of Aldera if she looked behind herself. Sadly though, (Y/n) soon felt herself being lowered back onto the ground, right next to her white-haired friend, who she turned to look at with a thankful smile. 'Thanks Shi,' She signed, receiving a small nod from the taller boy. Her attention was diverted as the clambering footsteps of the remaining trio came rushing to them, engulfing the smaller girl into a group hug. "(Y/n)!" They all cried in relief, pulling away from her after a few seconds. Well, all except for a certain platinum blond, who sunk to his knees while hugging the medium's waist, comical tears streaming down his face.

"(Y/n), I was so scared!~ Adelaide would've killed me if you died! No hero schools would accept a murderer! I don't know what I'd do if my dearest died! I'm sorry, please let me buy you another one!" He whined, burying his face into the teen's side as he continued to ramble. Nervously, (Y/n) giggled, patting the boy's hair as she attempted to reassure him. "Uh, it's okay Go*. I'm fine see!"  The girl pulled away from him—with slight struggle due to the grip he held on her—and did a quick spin.

Still on his knees, Ichigo whined after feeling Adelaide slap the back of his head. "Dumbass! You could've killed her," She warned, accidentally activating her quirk as he brown eyes glowed an amber hue, putting extra strength into her swing. Luckily, the teen calmed down as Izuku set a hand on her shoulder, feeling it relax under his palm.

The duo then turned their attention to their mutual friend, looking at her with a shared concern as American spoke up for the two. "But seriously, you sure you're okay? No scratches or anything?" Once the girl nodded in response, the trio looked at her in awe as two out of the three shared a thought. 'How?'

Midoriya however, quickly remembered  a fact she'd shared with him years ago as he snapped his fingers, face brightening. "Oh yeah! It's your quirk right? But how were you able to fly like that? I thought you could only see ghosts." Quick as lightning, the boy shot out questions as he pulled his notebook from the yellow backpack he'd been carrying around, entering his own little world of rambling. Meanwhile, Ichigo and Adelaide looked at the girl in shock, blurting out simultaneously, "You can see ghosts?!" The boy getting closer to the girl in question as she took a step back, sweat-dropping. With a nervous laugh, (Y/n) rubbed the back of her head and nodded. "Yeah. They like to help me out sometimes. Oh! Especially my best friend! You guys should meet him sometime!" She suggested, ignoring the silent ghost who rapidly shook his head—arms making and 'X' from behind the duo.

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