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        The blaring ringing of the alarm on her phone startled (Y/n) out of bed. It was a normal occurrence in the (L/n) household, but the teenager had never actually hit the floor. Nanashi usually was right by her side, ready to catch her and save any possible bruises on her body. Until now.

(Y/n) groaned and rubbed her—now sore—forehead, brushing any stray strands of hair from her groggy face. Covering her mouth, the female stifled a yawn before calling out to her white-haired friend. "Shi?" Instead of the usual silence or physical indication that the male was near—like flicking a pencil at her face—the medium heard multiple snickers.

"Huh?!" She gasped. Snapping her eyes open, (Y/n) met the multi-colored eyes of not one, but two white haired ghosts; Neither of which were Nanashi but instead the Siamese twins, Hito and Shin. Both blatantly snickered at the alarmed teenager, who looked at them inquisitively. "Where's Nanashi?" she asked while looking over her room. There was no trace of the elder ghost anywhere, which dampened her mood significantly. 'But he promised...'

The brothers glanced at eachother and shrugged. "We dunno," Hito said. "He said he'd be back later though." Mutual grins appeared on the sibling's faces as Shin followed up, "Which leaves us with the duty to watch over you, (N/n)!" The (h/t) haired female stammered for a moment as she stood up. "Huh?! No way!" (Y/n) turned around to grab her phone—which was still ringing—to turn the alarm off, but paused as she finally noticed the sticky-note plastered onto the screen. Messily written letters were scribbled on the piece of paper, which read:

'IM GoING 0Ut foR Abi a bIT. HAv E FUN At sCH0oL


(Y/n) giggled at the male's print, unable to imagine having to write without using your hands. Her attitude had perked up a bit, seeing that her friend hadn't broke their promise. Yet, the girl was still faced with one more problem at hand. 'Did he really leave those two to look after me?' The teen thought incredulously. Though, a small smile creeped at her face as she remembered it was her first day at a new school—much less U.A.! (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder what the day held in store for her.


"And you have everything right? Your backpack? Phone? House keys?"

(Y/n) sighed with a light smile as (D/n) adjusted her uniform tie. "Yes dad."

"What about your safety keychain?" The man fretted, slightly relaxing when the girl revealed the small (f/c) trinket on the strap of her backpack. "Right here." (D/n) analyzed his daughter, mentally making sure she had all she needed for her first day of high school. Once noting that nothing was missing, the older (L/n) backed off and hummed in content.

"What about you Daifuku?" (M/n) spoke up, turning to the dark haired boy. He nodded and pulled out his black colored keychain from out of his pocket. (Y/n) huffed, growing annoyed with the adults. "Guys, we'll be fine," She claimed to her parents. "Besides, I've got Hito and Shin today, and Dai has Sachiko. They'll protect us, right guys?" The medium gestured briefly to the ghosts.

"Guaranteed." Sachiko asserted while the twins nodded simultaneously, bright grins on their identical faces.


"You can trust us!"

None of their actions went noticed by the adults though, who awkwardly stared at the (h/l) haired teen. (M/n) reluctantly nodded as she looked at the time. Nearly eight o'clock. "Well if you say so dear. Do you two need lunch money? What about Hitoshi?" She asked, walking the two to the door. (D/n) handed them both a slice of toast and [a/an] (fruit) while the duo shook their head. "No, I grabbed some before I left my room," (Y/n) responded.

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