Chapter Seven

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Cheyenne POV:

The next morning, I got Jack dressed and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Mornin' guys." I said as I walked into the kitchen with Jack. "Mornin'." Danny replied as he shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"Hey, big guy. How'd you sleep?" Marley asked Jack when he walked into the kitchen. "Good." Jack replied with a wide smile.

Jack and Marley had gotten close so quickly. Jack was afraid of him for a bit but he warmed up to him easily.

I had no idea what to do next. Jack and I couldn't leave the property because of the cops. I still didn't understand how Marley had connections in the police that could help with my case.

Thoughts of my father finding us flashed through my mind.

I would undoubtedly go to prison and Jack would go back to dad. Prison, I could handle, but Jack going back to that mad man? There is no way in hell I would let that happen. 

I sat, quietly as everyone around me conversed. I was too distracted.

Now that my father had reported us missing, I couldn't get a job, which meant I couldn't get a place to live for Jack and I. 

"Cat got your tongue?" Marley asked. "I'm good." I replied, quietly as I looked at Jack.

I don't know what I would do without this little boy who I've spent my life trying to protect. I could tell that all of this was affecting him. He wasn't smiling much, because he knew that if we were found what would happen to him.

"You hear that Sarah had Diana yesterday?" Danny asked. "Yeah, man. Kade sent a picture. She looks like an alien." Dean replied. "All new born babies look like that, dumbass." Marley told him and laughed.

"Sarah had the baby?" I asked.

Why was I hurt that no one told me?

"Yeah. She was odd coming out but she looks like a normal baby now." Danny said, causing me to stifle a laugh.

"So no one told you?" Marley asked.

I only shook my head. It must have happened around the time they kicked me out of here.

Marley POV:

I could tell that Cheyenne was hurt. She was just as excited to meet Diana as the rest of us.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

"Hello?" "Marley, its Officer Patton." I heard on the other end. "Thanks for calling me back, Blair. What do you have?" I asked.

"I checked out Jack and Cheyenne. Jack has been hospitalized three maybe four times due to head trauma. Doctors also said that Cheyenne had injuries herself but wouldn't let a doctor check her. She has no prior criminal history beside the occasional speeding ticket here and there. I believe you when you say that she did this for all the right reasons, but she should have gone to the police." Blair told me.

"You think she didn't try that? They blew it off like she was a rebellious teenager trying to get away from a strict parent or some shit. I talked to her about it late last night." I replied, almost angrily.

"Look, I'm working on it. Just bare with me. I'll call you when I know something." Blair said and ended the call.

I sure as hell hope so. 

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