Chapter 16 ✅

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Chapter Sixteen- Let's win then

"Where are you going, again?" Asked Alden, for the millionth time. He chewed the mouthful of fried chicken, his fingers greasy and I scrunched my nose when he licked them.

Linda was an amazing cook, there was no doubt in that. I was in love with her cooking but, tonight I couldn't manage to eat a single bite.

My stomach wasn't able to maintain even the food that I ate in the morning. Everything was somersaulting inside of me and I was afraid I was going to throw up.

Street racing was a huge deal for me and I'd been literally dying to do that for years. Alden street raced back in Minnesota around two years ago. I used to go with him and it was so much fun. But, he never let me drive, not that I knew how to drive that amazingly back then.

I rolled my eyes at him and licked my lips-- because I was anxious and I was lying to him. "Told you, I have a meet with Hannah, it's a club thing."

His eyes searched mine and I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"It's for credit. I want to up my GPA so I can score a good college in future." It was true. I joined the Hannah club only for that purpose.

He nodded, still assessing me. I gave him my wide eyed pout look and he laughed. "Fine. Be back before eleven."

I glanced at the watch, and it was eight thirty. It wouldn't take long to race three laps.

I nodded and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, "See ya later."

I walked out of his room and down the stairs. My heart throbbing in my chest and I smiled when I saw Linda and Tabby chatting in the living room about who knows what.

They'd become close in couple of weeks. I was glad Tabby had someone to talk to except me. Don't get me wrong. I would always be there for her, but sometimes having an elder around helped.

I'd tried talking to her about Arnold and what I saw that day but, she brushed me off saying I saw wrong.

I had to get some proof so she would believe me before she goes out with him. Arnold didn't seem like a good guy from the start to me.

I took a deep breath, bringing my focus back to where it should've been all this time. On the race.

A warm fuzzy feeling settled in my stomach and I opened the front door only to come face to face grinning Jeanette-- who was about to ring the doorbell.

Shoot me now!

Did I forget she was coming over?

I furrowed my brows but smiled at her. "Hi."

"Hi yourself. Going somewhere?" Her eyes danced and shone with tease. "Perhaps on a date?" She wiggled her brows.

I choked on my breath and coughed, shaking my head. "No... I uh, I'm going to meet Hannah for this stupid club meet."

She grinned and nodded, eyeing me suspiciously. She wasn't convinced too. Great!

I'd worn the outfit I bought when Linda had taken us for shopping at the start of the school. I didn't want it as much as Tabby wanted it for me. So I got it.

It's a plain black dress. Square neck on the front and back. Fitted from shoulders to my stomach and then flared out-- not like a princess flare or anything, just normal. The hem was just above my knees, letting my bandages down there open for air.

I wasn't a heel girl and I meant it when I said that.

She chuckled, "Combat boots?"

I laughed, and nodded. "Way more comfortable."

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