Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty- I want you

Sighing, I made my way through the crowd and went into the kitchen. It was the quietest, considering it was off limits to everyone.

I grabbed a bottle of water and gulped it down. I refused to drink alcohol. I couldn't. What if I get a melt down and spill everything?

I couldn't chance it.

I twirled around and jumped in my skin, "Easton! You have to stop doing this." I sucked in a breath and he chuckled.

"Doing what?" He smirked.

"You knew this whole time, didn't you?"

He shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "We had it planned differently though. You weren't supposed to come with me. Tabby was going to take you out and then keep you busy doing stuff while we all prepared for the party." That's why he was so adamant on not taking me with him this morning.

"Did your dad know too?"

He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "No. He was a surprise to me. But then... I am glad you came with me."

Heat smeared my skin, and goosebumps erupted all over my body. I bit my lip, not looking away from his captivating intense stare. Damn! He's gorgeous.

"Me too."

Then he smirked, "It's been a while since I played video game. It was fun beating you."

I laughed, holding the counter top and leaning into it. "I won! 7 times."

He waved a hand and dismissed me. "I let you win, because it was your birthday."

That said... he hadn't wished me yet. Not once.

"Here you guys are! Gift opening NOW!" Tabby hurried inside and looped arms with both of us, dragging us out and up to the spare room on Alden and Jamey's floor.

Usually we opened gifts just couple of minutes before midnight but apparently Tabby couldn't wait for me to see how much I would love her gift.

So here we were. All in one room except Easton. He must have slipped away while she was rushing us upstairs. Janette and Alden sat on the other sides of the bed, Jamey in the middle with all the gifts.

Giving me no time at all, she shoved the first gift open. And before I could praise it, the door to the room opened.

Drunk Brianna stalked inside, tumbling here and there. She gave Alden a slutty smile and yanked him up the bed, giving him a sloppy kiss.

"Ew!" I just couldn't hold it back.

Alden pulled away his eyes trailing towards us. I didn't know about others but he must have seen my disgust because he mumbled a sorry and walked out with her, slamming the door shut behind them.

Jeanette stood up, handing me her present and walked out as well.

What's wrong with everyone?

Tabby shrieked, jumping happily. I grabbed her in a hug. "Thank you so much." I pulled away and stared at the beautiful peach colored cardigan with she'd bought for me. It had small lace around the neck and couple of pearls around it.

"It's beautiful."

"I knew you would love it. Now this one!" She shoved another one at me. It was small box beautifully wrapped with pink wide ribbon on top, and when I opened it up, tears swelled in my eyes.

"Tabby..." I whispered, holding back my tears.

It was mum's scarf. She wore it so much and after she died, dad and I decided to give it to Tabby.

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