Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty Six- To making through

Couple months later,

"Oh my god!" Tabby bounced from one foot to another, making me twirl around with her, grinning and laughing.

"I'm a senior. Can you believe it? I mean... I Tabitha is a senior now!" She fluffed her hair around for emphasis and it only made me laugh harder.

We all graduated this week. One step further down our journey. Me, East (I know I know), Alden, Jeanette, Elliot. And Tabby became senior while Jammy a freshman. We all had victories to celebrate.

"Okay, so when are you guys going to get dad home?" She asked, finally settling down on her bed and grabbing her yellow nail-polish.

A month ago we moved out of Easton's house and rented another one for ourselves. Jeanette's dad was really good at finding my dad. Dad had found another job, saved some money and told us he was almost ready to be back. And it was Today.

Easton and I are were Dad's ride home from the airport.

I glanced at my watch and sighed. "We have time. Can you pretty please get some food ready by then?"

She rolled her eyes and smirked, "Already done. Jean and Alden are still making out I think but they too did their part." I laughed, nodding.

Easton was right. It got better. No one wanted to kill anyone. We all could sit together and talk about things, eat and have fun . It felt almost too good to be true.

"I'm surprised Easton is not here yet, all over you." I threw the pillow at her, smearing her freshly painted nails. She went ballistic and kicked me out of her room while I laughed so hard.

"Did you miss me?" Oh god, I twirled around with a hand on my heart.

"When would you stop sneaking up on me?" He pulled me in for a long thirsty kiss and winked.

"Never." I smacked his arm and--

"Take it somewhere else you pervs!" We heard Tabby yell and laugh.

We walked into the living room. It was a small house but more than enough for us. There were three rooms. Tabby and I shared the room but last night I gave it to her since I was moving in with Easton. He wanted to pursue Art and I photography so we ended up choosing a college which was best at both. There was no reason to live separate when we were going to be in the same school.

Yes I'd admit that I was scared and I had doubts but... I wanted him and I wanted us to be together. Jeanette was moving to Canada. Her mother got her custody but since she was almost an adult she wanted to make her own decision. Alden... he wanted to stay behind and help dad. He wanted to start a business and enrolled himself into a community business school nearby. 

Mr. Brinkley offered him an advance internship to show him the ropes of business. He hadn't given his answer yet but I trusted Alden whatever he would decided would be good.

"We should go..." I felt my stomach clench inside and I bit my lip. Way too nervous to see my dad.

He grinned, "Don't be nervous. You'll do good."

I nodded and that's how we ended up back in the living room with beers in our hands-- except Jammy. Dad was resting in his room, he looked thinner but happy. I hadn't seem him so happy before and it swelled my heart. We had kept him posted during our graduation and he knew about our plans for the future. He didn't necessarily approve of them, but he wanted us to explore and make mistakes so we could learn through our experiences. Mom would have done the exact same thing.

"Okay... let's toast." Tabby yelled, beaming at us. Her hair messy but still stylish. My little sister was a senior now. I too would have been with her this year if I hadn't graduated early. Even though she never said it, she was hurt when she knew I was going to graduate with Alden and now moving in with Easton.

I grinned, keeping my tears at bay, I raised my red solo cup high and everyone followed.

"To graduating." Alden said.

"To love and friendship." Jeanette whispered.

"To new beginnings." Elliot winked.

"To making through." I voiced and we all clinked our cups, splashing the inside liquid all around and laughed.

Tabby stood up, pouting. "To leaving me behind." She cried throwing her cup down.

I stood up and pulled her in a hug before she could run. "You have Alden, dad, Jammy. And I swear to call you everyday." 

She wiped her tears and grinned. "I swear I'll hunt you down if you didn't follow through your promise."

I kissed her cheek and gave her a bone crushing hug. "Okay, I need more alcohol." I pulled away and glared at her. She chuckled, "Kidding." She walked to the kitchen and yelled back, "Not kidding."

I would miss her a lot. I would miss us. The fights, the arguments, Easton's parties, the school stupid dances, the... every single thing. If anyone would have told me before what I would be feeling today, I would have lived a little more through all of those moments. Laughed a little more, cried a little less, yelled and fought more or less depending who was on the other end of it.

"I'll get more snacks." I announced, letting go of Easton's hand as I stood and left. Just as I stepped inside the kitchen I stopped dead in my track.

His hands in her hair and hers all over him. Their lips hungry and fast.

Just as I twirled on my feet, I bumped into my personal favorite wall. I placed a hand on his mouth and dragged him back towards the hallway of my room. "What's up?"

I didn't know what I saw. If it was right or not. What it meant... but I knew no more hiding.

"Tabby and Elliot were kissing in there."

He smirked, dimples showing, "Guess, it's there time now."

I wrapped my arms around him, hearing his heart beat fast and wild just like mine. "You're right." It was time she found someone she could hand her heart to. I'd be there by her if she needed dresses or ice cream or just someone to talk to. 

We went back out to everyone... to live this evening just a little more.

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