| Daechwita |

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"So you're saying you've had a whole ass mixtape already finished for months?" I stared at Yoongi while we sat in the back seats of the van.

He nodded while scrolling on his phone.

"Not to go army mode on you or anything but I've been waiting literally years for you to release another mixtape, I knew you mentioned a while ago that you were working on it but you and Namjoon totally lied during that vlive-"

Yoongi kept a smug grin while looking at his phone.

"There's gonna be a countdown that starts next week, usually you would know from that but since you work here you get to know early-"

My thoughts ran wild as a huge grin was on my face. I listened as Jin and Jungkook chuckled in the seats in front of us.

"Okay well now that I know what's going on.. Why did I come with you guys instead of the rest of the staff?"

The three of them shrugged, turning to look towards me.

"Why not?"

A 'pfft' noise escaped my lips as the car continued moving.


Once we got to the set we were greeted by several other people who were already there.

The buildings looked amazing, almost as if the music video would tell an entire story.

Eventually we were seperated, the guys going towards Sana and the other makeup artists while I was brought to the director and other staff members.

I grabbed my camera and walked towards a familiar face.

"Hey Yunhee~"

She turned around with a confused expression before seeing me and smiling.

After working with each other for the last month we became familiar with each other and would usually stick together during outings like this since we were the youngest employees.

"Did you just get here?"

I nodded and put my camera down on a table near us.

"I think today we're filming half of it and tomorrow we'll do the rest."

I nodded slowly while listening to her. Eventually, there were voices being heard as several people walked to the first set.

We watched in awe as the person controlling the big camera panned around near Yoongi and the backup dancers.

After a few short scenes, the perfect one was done and they moved onto a ledge.

We got a close up look at Yoongi and my head instantly began spinning.

He's... hot.

I looked over to see Yunhee staring off into space towards Yoongi, a grin appearing on my face as I shoulder bumped her.

"How are you holding up?"

The fact that she was a huge army and Yoongi biased, you could see the pain in her eyes as she tried keeping a straight face.

"I can't wait to go home and vibe to this song when it comes out." Her voice was quiet as she still focused on Yoongi looking like an actual god.

bonded by chance | knj ✔Where stories live. Discover now