Chapter Three

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The next day, Nova wandered into Aurora's room. Aurora was still going over her previous conversation with Dana, so she hadn't noticed when her best friend had entered the room. She felt a little on edge, in truth. After all, Dana had just told her that people were going to be after her and her abilities. At least, there was that possibility. Aurora had spent much of the day in her mind, as she had recently discovered that she could travel to Galaveri if she focused enough. Ultimately, though, the planet was empty, considering she could only travel to Galaveri at a specific point in time, and one that she currently remained unaware of. Regardless, it was helpful, if a little quiet. Aurora had finished the tea that Dana had made for her and then wandered back to her room, trying not to focus on her previous conversation all too much. Of course, she understood that Dana had a point, but it still hurt her heart to think on it for too long. 

"Hey Aura." Nova said, as she plopped herself down on Aurora's bed, only to notice that her friend still appeared to be away with the fairies. 

"Aura?" She repeated. 

Aurora looked up to her then and her eyes widened slightly. 

"Sorry. I was just..." Well, mentally travelling to Galaveri, but she wasn't going to share that piece of information with Nova yet. She didn't want her to worry. The only one who knew about this little ability was Colt, but then...that was different. She had a strange connection with Colt that she still wanted to discover more about. "Thinking." She decided to say. 

Aurora looked towards Nova's outfit then, and it was no surprise that Nova was still going to remain her authentic self even in their new home. She had tailored some of the clothes that she had found in the wardrobe to her liking, and Aurora admired the creativity of it, really. She had been wearing her Galaver uniform for most of the day, which consisted of a shirt in the appropriate colour, dark trousers and boots and then the addition of a cloak, if it got colder. 

"Right. I can do that too." Nova said then, as she closed her eyes and smiled  wistfully as she daydreamed of Lani's pancakes and chocolate. One of Nova's favourite things, it should be noted, was food. 

Aurora just gave a chuckle then and looked towards her friend with appreciation. 

"I missed you." Aurora said. 

Nova just moved closer to her and wrapped a free arm around her shoulders. The other, Aurora now noticed, was holding a mug of hot cocoa. 

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere." Nova replied. "Besides, you were the one who went out today. Where did you go?" Nova wondered aloud. 

Aurora looked towards her friend then with caring eyes. 

"I'm sorry if I caused you any worry. I was just out with Leo, Peia and Colt," Aurora stated. 

"Right. And I was napping. I remember now." Nova said, running a hand through her silver locks. Much like her friend, Nova also had a caring demeanor. "Is everything okay with you?" She asked Aurora. 

Aurora sighed. 

"It will be. I guess I'm still just getting used to being here," she admitted. 

Nova met her friend's eyes, then, and gave her a nod of understanding. 

Aurora had to have courage here, and remind herself that she was wanted. She had friends, and while there was always going to be a risk of other extraterrestrials, or scientists, or whatever other villain wanted to find her, she knew in her heart that she had to face life with a little courage. 

"I understand that too," Nova stated. 

However, she couldn't help but knock the sense that there was something on Aurora's mind. 

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