Chapter Twenty-Six

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As the evening grew not only colder but darker, Peia realised that she needed to speak to Thea about a lot.

"Thea..." she trailed off.

"I don't know why I did that," Thea admitted.

"I like you but...I'm sorry. I think I've been misread," Peia said then.

"No, no. I misread the situation."

Thea wasn't too crushed. She just knew thst the kiss had felt wrong because it was with Peia rather than someone she had the chance to truly develop stronger feelings for. Perhaps it was just Peia's charm, she thought to herself.

Peia turned to her, "Friends?" she asked her.

"Of course," Thea replied with a gentle smile.

Thea was just glad to have someone at Dana's society who was willing to listen to her whenever she needed to vent about anything. she was still getting used to her mother being remarried and she had appreciated being able to talk to Peia about it. She did regret having said that she believed Jeremy to be the one who had exposed them, though. That was a declaration that had come out of anger.

Peia was a peaceful person, she had managed to calm Thea down for the most part over that issue.

Lani and Jeremy had also decided to go to Dana's sanctuary in order to be there while the space craft was on it's route to landing. They were currently sat in the dining hall watching Albi's laptop track the movement of the ship.

Jeremy was concerned, understandably, because he didn't know whether this would be a good thing or not for the other aliens and the scientific community.

Lani, on the other hand, was simply intrigued to see who would appear. She had worked hard to protect the aliens for a long time now, and she wanted to do what she could to help Dana out, if there were any new ones.

Both Jeremy and Lani remained unconvinced that the space craft would arrive empty, which Albi had told them, over the course of the past few days, what he feared may be the case.

The space craft was getting closer to them, certainly. However, it seemed that it could still be a few more hours before it arrived.

There was excitement in the air around the sanctuary, but also nervous anticipation.

Dana had not met a new alien in a while. Peia had only met another Tuldrox recently when she had been convinced that she was the only remaining one. It still stunned her to have discovered that there were more about to arrive on Earth, and so close by, too.

Lani left Jeremy be for a moment as she went to converse with Dana, who appeared to be tracking the space craft on her own device.

"They will be here soon," Dana said.

"Indeed," Lani replied.

"Perhaps I should go and meet with them first...just in case they don't take kindly to strangers. However, Leo has said that as a Tuldrox it would make more sense for him to go and find out what is happening," Dana stated.

Lani simply gave a nod of understanding, then. That did make more sense. The Tuldrox would probably take more kindly to a member of their own kind going and speaking with them.

"The thing is...we don't even know that these are the last ones," Dana thought aloud then. "There could be plenty more out there that just didn't land upon Earth."

Lani had considered this several times, but given that she had also accounted for the fact that she believed there were many planets out there that couldn't harbour life as well as Earth could, it seemed to be a one in a million chance.

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