Chapter Twenty-Three

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That evening, Nova joined Aurora in her room. She gave her friend a warm smile before she gathered her into a warm hug.

"What was that for?" Aurora asked her then.

"I had a nightmare. I needed to ensure it was wrong."

"What happened?" Aurora enquired.

"You turned into an earth worm. You were talking in a tiny little voice and you couldn't see me that well. It was just awful," Nova said dramatically.

Aurora felt tempted to burst into laughter, but she refrained.

"Well, fortunately for you I am alive and well," she said, pinching her friend's cheek lightly.

"Good," Nova had replied.

"You should probably lay off the chocolate before bed, though," Aurora told her then, as she gazed at her friend with affection.

"Perhaps," Nova stated.

As the sky grew to a shade of navy blue outside, Nova and Aurora were just glad to be in each other's company.

"Something on your mind?" Aurora soon asked her friend, as she could tell that there was from Nova's day dream like expression.

"I guess I just fear that I won't be significant to Leo. Will he ever see me in the way I see him?" Nova asked then, "I don't know," she said.

"Nova, believe me, he likes you," Aurora told her with a kind expression.

Nova didn't know what else to do, so she chose to follow what Aurora had told her and hold out some hope over the matter.

In the meantime, Colt met with Dana in her office once again.

"How far are they now?" he asked her, regarding the beings from Tuldrox.

"Not far. They will be with us in days," Dana had expressed to him.

Colt gave an understanding nod.

He had his fears about this, of course, but he knew he had to remain calmly confident for Aurora.

Aurora knew that she had to face her anxieties, too. No matter what happened with these beings from another planet, she simply reminded herself of what her mother had told her- to be brave.

There may be aliens coming to Earth, but Aurora had dealt with two bad guys in the past, she was prepared to deal with whatever emerged from the ship whether good or bad. She was trying to be optimistic, though, and try to believe that the beings would be good.

"We're prepared though, right?" Colt asked.

Dana's lips moved into a small grin then.

"That we are, Richmonds. Thank you," Dana told him.

Back at their home near the base, Lani and Jeremy Chadwick-Hall remained blissfully unaware of the fact that their daughter, Thea, had ever met with Peia to discuss the matter of Jeremy's alleged betrayal.

If there was one thing that was true for her mother, Thea believed, it was that love was her weakness, and that she was blind-sided by her love for Jeremy to notice that he was the betrayer right under her nose!

Of course, she wasn't going to bring this topic up again. Not after it had caused such a disturbance the last time.

She simply pushed the matter to the back of her mind before she had wandered off to talk to Peia about it. Well, she hadn't intentionally been looking for Peia when she had gone there. She had, in fact, been on the search for anyone at the base for that matter, but regardless, it had been a good evening.

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