5 | dinner

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Two cold hands grabbed her shoulders and shook her with a force that immediately jolted her awake from her satisfactory slumber on the heavenly soft bed.

"What?!" she yelled instinctively as she jumped up from the bed and onto her own two feet, nearly tumbling as she did so. Luckily for her, a hand caught her elbow and steadied her before she could fall again and attain for herself another bruise on her other cheekbone.

Panting from her adrenaline spike and placing her hand over her pounding heart, she glared up at the person who had woken her and subsequently prevented her fall.

The vampire guard, the same one who was there in her room earlier, was standing before her with his free arm bent behind his back, a smug smirk growing on his lips. "Peter Rabbit hopped too soon?"

Lily jerked her arm away from him, glowering at him from beneath her dark blonde eyebrows. "Stop using fairy tale references like a child."

"Says the girl who looks like her only equal opposition in a brawl would be a chihuahua."

Rolling her eyes, Lily ignored the pang in her chest as she remembered the pet that she and her family had before the invasion. It was a little chihuahua, a blonde one that always had a goofy smile-like expression on its face. They had lost it during evacuation and had never seen it again. "Those things are vicious, I'll have you know."

"I'm sure," he disinterestedly mumbled, glancing at the silver watch sitting on his wrist. Lily knew that the silver was actually a steel alloy, or else it would have been burning him right through the bone. "Your little panic attack has caused us to be a minute late." He returned his charcoal black eyes to hers, reuniting his hands behind his back. "Come now." With that he turned, walking to the door in almost a march-like manner.

Lily did not budge; she only stood standing there between the bed and vanity, watching him swing open the two large doors. She couldn't help but feel anxiety prickling at the insides of her stomach at the thought of leaving the bedroom which had become a sort of safe haven from the dungeon and whatever else was waiting for her in the rest of the castle. "Where are we going?"

The guard turned, clasping his hands in front of him instead of behind. A sly look crossed his features, his eyes somehow darkening past their hue. "Dinner time."

The words mixed with his expression caused her to gulp, images of fangs sinking into flesh and blood running over punctured skin filling her mind and causing her feet to feel cemented into the wooden floor. "I-I'm not hungry."

He lowered his chin to give her an incredulous look. "You've been in a dungeon without food or water for four days. You actually shocked all of us when we learned you were still alive."

She shrugged, pushing a piece of her light blonde hair behind her ear. "I drank from the faucet. Water's all I need to survive."

"Blondie," the guard began, pausing to chuckle and turn his body so it was facing hers, "The Queen requests your presence—demands, actually. You have already disobeyed her orders enough by choosing to stay in those grimy rags you call clothes and causing us to be so rudely late, which does not look good on me, as I am her personal guard."

He took a step forward, his leather shoes clicking against the hard floor. Lily held her breath as he came even closer to her, suddenly standing merely inches from her.

He looked at her for a moment, his lips falling open to showcase his two blades of teeth. "I suggest you follow the commands I give you directly from the Queen before I, too, fall into disobedience." He rose his hand, causing the girl to flinch, and slowly stroked the side of his hand down her blonde locks. He chuckles deeply, whispering, "After all, she is right when she says you have the sweetest blood of all mortals."

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