19 | mate

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"Am I your mate?"

The words were half-expected, but as they flowed out from the blonde's lips, they formed a hand that lunged right for the Queen's throat. She visibly gulped, her eyes hardening as she tried to maintain her composure.

She thought about it. Thought about whether it was true or not? No—she had known it was true since that day outside when the girl had pressed her face against her chest. It had hit her like a truck, a large one at that. What she thought about was how messy it made her situation. Being mated to a human would only propel the rebels' anger and make them more ready to attack, for it would make her look weak. But she didn't care how it made her look or the shock value of it or how it was taboo or how it used to be punishable by death long ago. It was only recently, after vampires invaded the human race, that they deemed that law unnecessary. But it was still widely unaccepted, and it was definitely not beneficial to her position as Queen.

But she knew it was true in the deepest parts of her soul, and she could tell Lily did, too. She blinked softly, a smile shadowing her lips as she stared at the most beautiful specimen she had ever come across in her five centuries of life. "Yes," she murmured.

Lily felt breathless at the confirmation, and she didn't quite know what to do with it. She hadn't even been sure that mates were a real thing amongst vampires; she had figured it was just rumors that humans had circulated. But there she was, sitting on a bed with the Queen of Vampires, being told that she was her mate.

"Well," she spoke awkwardly, glancing down to the pitch black duvet. "That's..." She didn't know what to say.

"I know," Rose answered her trailing words, understanding the feelings she was feeling. She chewed on her lip as she stared at the same spot on the duvet that Lily stared at, worry filling her that this realization would make the girl uncomfortable and tense. It was a lot for a human to handle, she had to admit.

But Lily looked back up to the vampire who had grown solemn. It was like chemistry, the way her heart filled until it felt like would burst every time she looked at her. It was sensible, the fact that they were mates, because how else could two polar opposite species come together the way they had? It was right, and what felt even more right was the feeling of her sliding her hand into Rose's and interlocking their fingers.

The woman glanced up, a bit startled when she saw the girl was smiling sweetly up at her. She glanced down to their hands, a small smile forming on her own lips as she tightened her fingers around hers. "You're okay with this?" she asked almost nervously, hesitantly connecting their eyes again.

Adoring the way the Queen of Vampires was suddenly acting so timid, Lily answered her question by leaning forward and crashing her lips against hers.

Rose, a bit startled at the sudden kiss, slowly snaked her hands around the girl's waist and kissed back, relishing in the sweetness of her lips against hers. She let her hands run up the girl's back, feeling her human form press closer to her.

Needing more contact, Lily sat up on her haunches and leaned harder against the vampire who let herself fall backwards onto the pillows. Both of them smiling into the kiss, Lily straddled the vampire and continued kissing her passionately, letting her hands trail up her broad shoulders.

Rose felt the girl's hungry lips leave her own and press wet kisses down the side of her face and to her neck, her kisses becoming sloppy against her skin. Feeling the girl's warm breath fan against her neck, Rose's eyes fluttered closed. She let her hands fall to the blonde's thighs, taking the hem of her dress and slowly lifting it upwards to expose her fair skin. Rose clenched her jaw as her hands rounded the girl's bum and squeezed it, her fingers pressing into her supple skin under her dress.

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