7 | planning

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Lily flattened the dress' skirt, surprised at how thin and airy the material felt on her.

She had worn nothing but old jeans and t-shirts for the past several years, so it felt very odd for her to be wearing a dress. She also felt awfully exposed, as if everyone would see her private area with just the slight spread of her legs. The neckline of it also dipped down much farther than she wanted it to, the curve of her breasts visible in the "V" of her neck that the neckline created.

She paused and stared at herself in the vanity mirror, noticing how neat her hair looked. She stroked her hand through it, remembering how the Queen had brushed the tangles out of it so easily. She glanced towards the door, knowing that the tall woman was standing right outside. Sighing quietly, she glanced over towards the wall behind the bed, remembering the pistol that she had hidden between them.

Even though the Queen told her she could not read minds, she was still worried that her thoughts or emotions were being somehow listened to. So she quickly looked away and turned back around, looking at the pair of black sandals that were sitting on the vanity for her. Standing up, she slipped them on and adjusted her hair one more time before hesitantly making her way to the door.

The door opened before she could even touch the handle, and of course there the Queen was, holding the large wooden door open for her.

Lily paused, looking into the blank expression on the Queen's face for a moment before sheepishly looking down and walking past the vampire and through the doorway.

As the girl walked by, she brought a breeze with her, and the Queen's head turned to meticulously watch her. She felt every instinct in her scream at her to just grab the girl and drink her blood right there, but she could not do that. For the first time in her eternal life, she wasn't sure if she were to bite down on her if she could ever have the strength to pull away. And it wasn't just because she wanted to savor her blood—there was something about her that made her want to know more about her. She was confused as to why she was intrigued by a worthless human, but she wanted to stick her around so maybe she could find out.

Briefly closing her eyes as she regained her composure, the Queen closed the door and reopened her eyes to see the girl staring up at her nervously. Her eyes immediately fell to the girl's cleavage that was so very exposed in that dress, and she swallowed hard before bringing her eyes back up to the girl's. "Come this way," she spoke in a somewhat strained tone, averting her stare ahead and beginning the walk down the hallway.

Lily paused in contemplation of why the Queen had looked her up and down that way and seemed so bothered. Then she registered her command and jogged a bit to catch up with the fast-paced vampire.

They walked in silence down the hall, the Queen's eyebrows scrunched from all her inner troubles, and Lily's eyes cautiously stealing glances up at the admittedly beautiful woman who walked a bit ahead of her because of her long legs. She admired the way her chestnut hair cascaded down her back, so shiny it reflected the overhead chandeliers.

"I must say, you peak my curiosity," the Queen began suddenly, turning her face to the side and glancing at the girl from the corner of her eye. "Which is rare." She turned her face back around without missing a step.

The girl blinked, pushing her hair behind her ear. As much as she hated it, it was difficult to keep her facade of bravery around such an authoritative person, let alone one that was a vampire. "Why?"

The brunette reflected for a moment, for the first time finding herself unable to articulate herself. This was not the behavior of a powerful leader. So she swiftly changed the subject. "Holden is somewhat fond of you, am I correct?"

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