14 ✴️

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5 hours left -

Yoonsu was in the verge of death. She was still alive, though just barely. Her face sunken and white, the circles under her eyes darkened, more bruises decorated her pale body. Her mother eyed her daughter who was helpless.
Haeji saw Yoonsu's mouth moving as she mumbled something

"M-Mom..." Her voice was barely audible, it was something less than a whisper. Haeji nodded her head, pushing her head closer to Yoonsu, in order to hear her voice clearly.

"I don't want to die..."

Haeji's heart sank the moment she heard her daughter's words, even though her voice wasn't audible, she still heard it cleary.

Her mother intertwined their fingers together as she squeezed her hand, reassuring her that everything's going to be okay. But thinking about those worst-case scenarios wasn't really that hard.

"I-I don't want to leave you and dad alone..."

She spoke again, causing her mother's heart to clench in pain.
"You're a fighter, my baby Yoon..." Her mother stated, choking back her tears

Yoonsu gazed at her mother through her wet lashes. Tears rolling down from the side of her eyes,
"I thought I could protect you, I'm such a bad mother" Haeji cried, scenarios of the traumatic past flashing in front of her eyes again

"You were t-the best, m-mom" Yoonsu managed to smile as a loud sob left her mother's lips

"He will come for you, Yoonsu. I promise..." Haeji mumbled as she choked on her own tears

"P-Promise?" Yoonsu whispered, her lower lip trembling, more tears threatened to escape her eyes.

"I promise, Yoon" Her mother nodded, tears staining her cheeks

Not long after, she started coughing out blood. She was struggling to breathe, she thought that she would die any moment. She have lost all of her hope; thinking that her soulmate might not come for her anymore.

With that, her eyes slowly closed as darkness enclosed her once again


1 hour and 54 minutes left -

"I'll text you later, mole"

She snickered out and placed a palm on his shoulders, her smile complimenting her breathtaking features. He felt her warm palms still resting on his shoulders, feeling this foreign tingling sensation on his skin

Donghyuck gasped as his eyes opened, remembering the moment Yoonsu touched him, he gasped for air as he felt like all of the oxygen was knocked off from his lungs.

Jeno ran to the breathless boy as he sank on his knees, eyeing him closely
"What happened?" He'd ask

"I r-remember her..." Donghyuck mumbled out weakly, causing the other boys to exchange glances

"Who is she?" Jeno slowly asked, his gaze still settled onto him

"Kim Yoonsu"

He whispered, feeling that his body had grown weaker.
Jeno's eyes widened and averted his gaze towards Renjun.

"Chenle was right," He stated, standing up from his kneeling position.

"We have to get her as soon as possible" He turned around to leave but soon stopped when he felt a cold hand clasped around his wrist.

"Don't do it..."

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Oh no-

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