21 ✴️

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he's so cute wth

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Yoonsu, once again, stood there; in front of her locker. Grabbing her random belongings before stuffing them into her bag. Closing the locker shut, she turned her heels and started to drag her feet towards her assigned classroom.

Going through the crowded hallway, her head dropped down, not having any energy to even talk to anyone. Like she has anyone to talk to.

Finally, she stepped her foot inside the classroom which was still quiet empty. She sat down, sliding out a book from her bag, flicking it to a random page, eyes trailing across the words printed on the pages.

Her brows furrowed, finding some informations in the book useless. A sigh escaped her lips as she closed the book, laying her chin on top of it and closing her eyes as she did so.

Not long after, the bell rang, signaling that the first period have started. Students started walking inside the classroom, filling up the empty spaces.
The home room teacher came in, his glasses laying on the bridge of his nose. Glancing at the students inside the classroom, he spoke "Since everyone is here, let's start the discussion."


After boring and exhausting hours of the teacher talking, the bell finally rang, earning a sigh of relief from the students as they started to shove their belongings into their bags.

"You may go" The teacher declared as the students stood up, exiting the room one by one, well except for Yoonsu.

Mr. Choi eyed the girl, eyes crossing in confusion. "Miss Kim?" He went on, earning the attention of Yoonsu as she snapped back to reality "Aren't you leaving?"

The girl blinked multiple times before nodding her head "I'll be leaving in a minute, Mr. Choi" She speaks, a smile plastered on her rosy lips
The teacher nodded as he grabbed his belongings before stepping out of the classroom, leaving the girl sitting there alone as she was eaten by her own thoughts.

Someone entered the quiet classroom, eyes gazing at the isolated girl. His brows furrowed as he walked towards her direction, stopping right beside her.
Yoonsu didn't even notice his presence, silence still surrounding them.

The boy couldn't even wait any longer, causing him to clear his throat. Yoonsu jolted in surprise, eyeing the boy with her wide eyes. "You scared the shit out of me Lee Donghyuck" She breathed out as the boy chuckled.

"What's bothering you?" He asks

Yoonsu let out a sorrowful sigh as she stood up from her seat, bag hanging on her shoulders.
"It's nothing" She managed to smile, but Donghyuck frowned, reading the expression on her face
"I know something's wrong," he speaks, shoving his hands into his pockets, eyes lazily gazing at her "You can open up you know" He shrugged and turned around. "Let's talk somewhere more private"


The two sat on a bench, (idek where else so..) the atmosphere thick with awkwardness, the cold breeze blowing as it hit their skin, causing both of them to shiver.

The amazing view in front of their eyes made Yoonsu calm down, distracting her from her own thoughts.

Water sparkling, making small waves as soon as the air got in contact with it. The sun shining brightly above them, clouds making its way around the sky, sometimes covering the sunlight.

A sigh was heard.

Donghyuck averted his gaze to the girl beside him
"What's wrong this time?" He asks as Yoonsu closed her eyes

"I don't know why my parents don't want me to be around you. It's just so confusing." She sighed once again "They'd always say that you're dangerous, even though you're not. It's just nonsense"

Donghyuck's face fell, understanding why her parents keep on telling her such fact. He sighed "They're right." He started whilst playing with his fingers "You shouldn't be around me, Yoonsu"

Yoonsu's brows knitted in confusion, eager for an answer. "Why?" She asks

He gazes at her features, momentarily staring at her whilst finding the right words to use, a sad smile forming on his lip. "You'll find out soon, you'll know about my past. You don't even want to be around me anymore as soon as you'll find out"

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Just a filler chapter,

I'm quite emo rn since I was listening to Timeless while writing this chapter. Idek why.

Anyways, idk what should happen next. My mind is full of plot twists and I don't know how to sort them out if you know what I mean.

Okay I should shut up.



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